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The train came to a final stop at Kings Cross that night.

We all sighed and stood up.

"Guess this is it," Trent said as he grabbed his carry on.

"Dad is waiting for me. He hates it when I'm not there on time," Hazel said as she frantically gathered her things.

"Well, I just want to say, that although it was a crazy year, I still will cherish it, and all of you," Fred said.

"Oh Merlin, we aren't dying!" I barked as Trent and Hazel and George laughed.

"Come here," Hazel said with open arms as everyone hugged in a group.

"I'll see you all next term. Write me!" Hazel quickly said as she hurried out the door and off the train.

"Lets go," George said as the four of us exited the compartment.

"See mum?" Fred asked George.

"No. You?"

"No," he replied as they looked around.

"Whoop. There's mum. Gotta go, mates. Write to you soon!" Trent called as he walked off.

I sighed.

"I have to meet my uncle outside of the barrier. I'll wait till you find your mum."

"Speak of the devil, there she is. Come on," Fred said as we walked towards Mrs. Weasley, who was grinning and squeaking.

"Oh dearies! Oh goodness it's so good to see you!" She squeaked as she squeezed the breath out of us.

"Oh Willow, dear. I heard what happened, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'll be fine thanks," I nodded.

"Oh good. Ron and Ginny and Percy are waiting by the car so lets go," she said as we walked toward the barrier.

A tight grip stopped me.

I whipped my head around and faced Viper.

"What?" I spat.

"Have a good summer, Abram." he nodded and let me go.

I cringed and shook my head and kept walking.

"What was that about?" Fred asked.

"Who cares," I rolled my eyes as we exited the barrier.

"Do you see your uncle?" George asked.

I looked around.

"Yeah I see him," I said as Barry quickly walked over.

A look of anger and curiosity washed over George's face as he remained next to me.

"George are you coming?" Molly asked.

"In a minute mum," he said as she nodded and continued to walk ahead with Fred.

Barry approached me with the same old red and shiny pig-like face.

"Lets go, girl. I've got Mary waiting in the car and it's too hot outside." He snapped.

George furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes uncle Barry," I sighed as I picked up my bags.

Barry stared at George.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I happen to be Willow's boyfriend. The named George." He dully said.

Barry chuckled.

"It's quite generous of you to give the girl a chance," Barry said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" George asked.

"It simply means that she has no chance!"

"Excuse me? Last time I checked she wouldn't be able to have chances because you keep her cooped up in that home of yours. Thank Merlin she got the opportunity to leave."

"And who exactly do you think you are, boy?"

"I just told you. I'm George."

I looked up at George and quickly pecked his lips before Barry gripped my wrist and pulled me away.

"That bloody boyfriend of yours is just another one of your kind! Freakish!" Barry spat.

"At least I have one! I don't see Mary with a boyfriend, do you?" I argued.

"It just so happens that Mary and the Dursley's son are on the verge of becoming a pair, Abram!" Barry spat in my face as we approached the car and he opened the trunk.

I put my bags in and once I did Barry quickly and forcefully slammed the trunk door and shoved me in the car.

"Oh look," I said with my face pressed against the window, "clouds. Looks like rain,"

"It's about bloody time," Mary spat.

It was silent and awkward in the car for a while until Mary whipped her head around with a devious smirk on her face.

"You should be jealous of me," she said.

I only moved my eyes on her.

"Why?" I dully asked.

"I've got a boyfriend, and you don't!" She smirked and winked.

"Oh no, Abram does have one, surprisingly!" Barry chuckled and shook his head with ridiculousness.

Mary's smirk transformed into a blank face.

I gave a quick raise of the eyebrows and looked back out the window.

"For how long?" She hollered.

"Since summer."

"You're not dating one of those freakish friends are you?"

"Considering the fact that my fellow wizard and witch friends are basically the only humans I've been allowed to come into contact with, then to answer your question, yes I am."

Mary laughed.

"Gross! Which one?" The ginger?"

"Pft, which one? There's about a hundred of them!" Barry joked.

"Which one?" Mary asked again.

"I'm not telling you..."

"She's lying that's why!"

"No I'm not!"

"Is she lying daddy?" Mary asked.

"I'm afraid not, sweetheart," Barry sighed.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"What was that?" Mary asked.

"I scoffed, Mary," I chuckled with a ridiculous tone in my voice.

"Well, don't worry Mary, I'd give that boy...what was his name again...oh George. Yeah I'd give that George character another month or so and he'll leave Abram, you watch," Barry said.

"No he won't! He loves me very much and is always there for me! Unlike you people!" I spat.

"Who gave you permission to talk like that to us?" Barry hollered.

"Um, me!"

"If only that boy would find someone more reasonable. Someone he'd be happier with and someone who doesn't smell and make people cringe!" Mary laughed.

"Stop the car."

"Excuse me?" Barry yelled.

"Stop the damn car, Barry!" I snapped as Barry slammed on the breaks in the middle of a deserted road.

I got out of the car and opened the trunk and grabbed my bags.

"Smart move, Abram!" Mary shouted as Barry drove off like a lightning bolt.

And there I was...alone...in the middle of a road...with no where to go and no money...but I started to walk the same way the car was heading...but wasn't retuning to the Robinson's...

Chosen ~ a George Weasley love story (BOOK 1) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now