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When the feast was over, the prefects to each house were told to lead the first years and give them a tour of the castle. We were shown the grand staircase and the dungeons and the corridors and the hospital wing and the astronomy tower and even the courtyards.

"This way, please. Come on, hurry up." Percy called as he walked the first year Gryffindors up the staircase and to the seventh floor.

Percy stopped in front of a portrait of a fat lady. She was standing proud and plump and had her brown curly hair in a fancy up do and was wearing a graceful and elegant white dress.

"Caput Draconis" Percy said to the lady.

She beamed a cheeky smile at him and nodded, as the portrait door swung open.

"Quickly now, come on." Percy said as he lead them in the common room.

"This is the Gryffindor common room. Now, up these stairs are your dormitories where all of your luggage has been sent to your room. Boys dormitories is to the left, girls, to your right." Percy said.

"Now you should also be aware that boys, you are NOT aloud to cross over to the girls side. If you do, it is an automatic train ride home." Percy added.

"Now, you are aloud to come in the common room during your free periods and after classes. You are forbidden to remain in the common room while classes are in session and during meals. Any questions?" Percy asked.

Fred raised his hand.

"Fred?" Percy called.

"What is that, Percy-boy?" Fred asked as he pointed to a bulletin board.

"Good question, Fred. That there is the bulletin board. All school announcements and notifications and other events will be posted daily on that board. It is a requirement to check it daily." Percy said.

I raised my hand.

"Willow?" Percy called.

"What happens if we get lost?"

"If you get lost, the first years have the excuse to be tardy to class. However, only a few tardies will be allowed. You will be familiar with the corridors and the castle's passage ways in just a few weeks time. Now, I think it's best you all get some rest. And once again, welcome to Hogwarts and congratulations on becoming a Gryffindor." Percy said as he walked out of the common room.

As everyone walked up to their dorm rooms, I remained in the lobby of the common room.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked as he stopped walking up and turned around.

"I'm going to wait here. Till midnight. I'm not that tired." I said.

"I'll wait with you!" Fred smiled.

"No. It's alright, Fred. I just need to have some alone time."

Fred smiled very slightly and nodded in an understanding way. He turned around and walked up the stairs and to the boys dormitory.

It was then I sighed and looked around.

Was I dreaming? I had to be. How was this all real? I spent eleven years of my life with no friends and barely any food and no happiness or joy in my soul. How is it that all of a sudden it all hits me like a baseball bat hits a baseball? So quick and sudden. In the blink of an eye.

I walked over to a window on the side, that had a windowsill. I climbed up on the windowsill and looked out of the window.

The view of the lake and the full moon glowing down on the waters. The scenery was like a photograph. I could stare out of this window all night long and wouldn't regret not getting any sleep.

It had to be 11:00 by now.

I shed a tear. Then two. Then three.

The only thing I could think of was that I was thankful. I was blessed and I know it now. I kept faith all these years and it all pays off now. My birthday wish had come true back in December.

"Pst!" I heard.

I gasped and looked back.

Fred was standing there.

"What are you still doing up?" He whispered as he walked over to me.

I wiped my tears.

"Couldn't sleep."

He was standing next to me.

"Why are you crying?" He whispered.

"I'll tell you one day. Not now, though." I whispered.

Fred nodded and looked out the window.

"So pretty." He whispered.

"It is, isn't it?" I asked as I looked out the window.

Fred nodded.

"Pst!" we heard.

Fred turned around and I turned my head to see George.

"You ready?" He whispered.

I hopped off of the windowsill and Fred and I walked to him.

"You've got it?" Fred asked.

"Got what?" I asked.

George pulled out a small pocket knife.


"Don't worry. I'm not bad. I keep it incase of emergencies, Willow." George said as he walked over to the fireplace.

Fred and I followed and stood on each side of George, who was standing on the side of the fireplace.

He pressed the carving knife against the wood and started to carve.

Fred and I watched him and occasionally looked at the stairs to make sure no one was there.

"There." George whispered as he took a few steps back.

I looked at the carving.

"GW+FW+WA= inseparable" it read.

I smiled.

I looked at the twins who were smiling.

"It's brilliant." I said.

They nodded.

"We should get to bed now." I whispered.

They nodded and George tucked his knife back in his pocket and they walked up the steps.

"Well, goodnight."

"G'night, Willow." They whispered.

"We'll wait for you down there before we go to the Great Hall for breakfast." George said.

I gave a thumbs up and walked into my dorm room.

Girls, including Angelina Johnson, were sleeping without a sound. Like a mouse.

I undressed and found a pair of pink striped pajamas and quickly changed into them.

I climbed into bed with a smile and fell asleep with a smile.

Everything was all smiles now...

Chosen ~ a George Weasley love story (BOOK 1) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now