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Months have passed by. No new news on Bellatrix or Sirius Black. However, the Hogsmeade trip was just tomorrow for students and everyone was frantic Friday night after classes.

George, Fred and I were walking in the corridor as the starry night shone upon us.

"You guys excited for Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"About that..." George exhaled.

I stopped walking and my shoulders and smiling face dropped.

"What?" I asked in a dreadful way.

"You see, McGonagall banned us." Fred said.


"Says we were too much to handle these two years we were able to go." George added.

"But...but..! George, I mean, this would have been our first da-"

"I know, I know," he said with sympathy as he placed his hands gently on my arms, "but hey, I'll make a deal with you." He said with a hopeful smile.

"I'll just uhm...leave." Fred cut in with a smile and walked the opposite direction.

"Hey, LEE!" Fred called as he spotted Lee and ran after him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I-I tried my hardest to talk to McGonagall about it, hoping she would have understood. I apologized thousands of times but she just wouldn't crack." He said.

I sighed and bit my bottom lip.

He sighed in return and pulled me in close to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and his arms gathered me as close to him as possible.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. But I want you to." He said.

"Why? I'd be no fun."

"Because while you're out with Hazel, Trent, Lee, Seamus, and Dean, you'll have a surprise waiting for you." He smirked.

I looked up at him.

"Should I be scared?"

"No. You'll love it. I promise." He smiled.

He leaned in and pecked my lips.

"I love you. You know that, don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah," I couldn't help but grin, "I know. And I love you too."

We just stared. Stared into each other's eyes. Not a kiss. Not a word. But our eyes somehow communicated with each other.

"Hello?" A figure asked behind George.

I quickly shook my head and snapped out of the hypnotizing trance and looked over his shoulder.

George turned around and we stood in front of Hazel.

"Oh scared me, Haze!" I hissed as I placed my hand over my heart.

"What's up, Haze?" George asked.

"I need to talk to Willow. Now." She said seriously.

"Anything you need to say to Wil, you can say to me, Haze." George said.

"No, George." Hazel shook her head.

George and I looked at each other with worried eyes and he released me.

"Wait there." I followed Hazel out to the courtyard.

"Okay listen to me," Hazel said as she faced me, "you've got to swear to me to not tell a living soul."

Chosen ~ a George Weasley love story (BOOK 1) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now