Chapter 10: Princess

Start from the beginning

"It shouldn't be much farther," he said looking up ahead.

"How do you even know where I live?" I asked him curiously. I didn't even know if this shortcut.

"I used to deliver pizza when I had my grandpa's car," he shrugged. "Saw you and Jared coming into your house with some groceries."

"How many jobs have you had Karter?" I raised my eyebrows.

His jaw clenched. I could see he did not want to answer. Before I could tell him he didn't need to answer me, he replied all too quietly. "Too many."

Of course... Karter was suddenly his family's income when his parents were out of the picture. That's the only thing that made sense in all this.

He didn't say anything, he just clenched his jaw tighter. We were out of the park but I didn't let go of his arm. It was still after midnight, I wasn't taking my chances. We rounded the corner and walked down the end of the street before turning left walking down to my house that was in the middle of the row of houses.

Karter walked me all the way home like a true gentleman. I felt obligated to thank him in a way, he really didn't have to walk me home so late at night. It was my fault for falling asleep on the job.

We stood in front of my door awkwardly. I shifted from foot to foot wondering how I should thank him.

Karter rubbed the back of his neck, looking just as uncomfortable as I was. "I guess I'm just going to go--"

"Wait--" I grabbed his hand. He looked down at it with a worried look. "I-- uh-- well you--"

Karter chuckled. "You're welcome Livia."

"Right..." I said as I let his hand go. "Well I'll see you tomorrow?"

He only replied with a small nod. Just as Karter turned to leave, my front door burst open. I noticed Karter's shoulders tense just as my heart stopped.

"Livia!" Jared yelled at me in worry. Oh god.

My parents pushed past him with angry faces.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Why didn't you call us?"

"Don't you have a car?"

"If you needed money we would have gave you some!"

"You don't need to work while living under our roof!"

I could see Karter trying to slowly slip away. I wanted to yell after him to take me with him.

"Hey Pierce!" Jared called after him. Looks like he wasn't getting away either. I noticed Karter's hands clench before he turned to face us with a very angry expression. If looks could kill...

"Oh right," my father cleared his throat. "Mr. Pierce, I would like to thank you for allowing my daughter a working experience as well as making sure she got home fine." My father took a look at my mother who nodded encouragingly. Obviously they had planned this out. I've seen them plan things out like this before. "But she will no longer be working these long hours, and your late night services are no longer--"

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