"Finally!" Jenna gasped, letting out a frustrated sigh as we approached. "We've been waiting for hours!"

       "It's only been ten minutes," Brooke muttered, checking her watch. Jenna disregarded her remark and swept through the theater doors, fully prepared for the movie.

"I guess we're going, then," Jake laughed, tugging Rich through the doors with him. The rest of us filed in, picking up a pair of special 3D glasses on the way.

       "What's this even about?"I muttered quietly, glancing around at the posters on the walls. Jeremy nudged me and pointed to a sign above the doorway. It read, "Now Playing: Shrek's Stinky Situation." Any movie involving the words "Shrek" and "Stinky" in the title would be a disaster, especially if it was in 4D.

       As we entered the theater, I noticed that the first half of the group managed to snag front-row seats for all of us. I groaned, knowing that the front row would most definitely get full blast of whatever was being sprayed out to torture us.

Once we settled in, the film began rolling. It was difficult to focus at first (having glasses and terrible vision makes 3D anything impossible), but I got used to it eventually. Odorous gases were sprayed through fans scattered around the room, and water spritzed at us from little holes in the seats. By far the best part of the entire thing was when something jumped out at the screen. I was seated next to Jeremy, and Jeremy was a scaredy-cat when it came to jumpscares. He would yelp quietly and squeeze my hand if even the tiniest bug flew towards us, and he would remain that way for a short while afterwards. He had the dolphin plush I won him pressed tightly to his chest, gripping it like there was no tomorrow. I smiled, his wide eyes and on-edge face almost adorable to me. He was the cutest teenager you'd ever see. I would have enjoyed it even more if I hadn't noticed Christine staring at us about halfway through, a face of unreadable emotion drilling into my gaze. I gulped and turned back toward the screen.

       Once the film ended, we scrambled out of the theater with glee. In the final credits, the fans broke and started spraying us with fart-gas like crazy. We desperately gulped in the fresh air, laughing our heads off.

       "Didn't expect that, huh Jenna?" Rich cackled, slapping his knee. The girl simply stuck her nose in the air and ignored Rich's comment. Christine looked down at her phone purposefully.

       "Why don't we grab some lunch?" She asked, licking her lips. "It's like 2:45. We kinda skipped it."

       "It's already 2:45?" I muttered. "We've done so much."

       Christine nodded, a Jim-Halpert-Looking-Into-The-Camera face overcoming her expression.

We all (once again) couldn't decide on where to eat, so we split into the groups from before and set off to different fast-food areas. Jake and Rich went off to Johnny Rockets, Khloe, Brooke, and Jenna scouted out the Chick-fil-a stand, and Christine, Jeremy, and I scurried off to Potato Patch.

"What are you guys getting?" Christine asked as we joined the long line. "I haven't eaten here in a while."

"Bacon cheese fries," Jeremy and I answered at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed, almost dropping the stuffed animals we still held in our grasps.

       "I guess I'll get the same. Then we can just share a huge one," Christine muttered, staring at her wallet. I instantly felt bad. I could tell from her body language she wanted to spend some time with Jeremy (since she was his girlfriend), and I was making it harder since I was always around him. Even if I had a crush larger than Russia itself, I still had to accept that Jeremy was dating someone else.

       "I'm, er, gonna go use the bathroom," I announced, hoping they'd buy my lame excuse. Luckily, Jeremy nodded, and I ducked out of line. As much as it hurt, I wasn't dating Jeremy and I never would. I had to let nature take its course and let him spend time with his girlfriend.

       I slipped into the restroom and washed my hands, taking as much time as I wanted. I respected Jeremy's relationship as much as I pined for him. I began my casual stroll back to the line, as I didn't really need to use the bathroom. Coaster riders screeched overhead, parents frantically attempted to round up their kids, and couples took artsy selfies with their ice cream cones. I smiled and waved at the little kids running amok, their eyes filled with innocence and excitement.

       I saw the worker from the squirting game sitting on a bench with a shorter boy in a blue polo shirt, laughing and pointing at the trees. He wrapped his arm around the other boy lovingly as the boy rested his head on the taller one's shoulder. I grinned softly, admiring how close the two were. Maybe, one day, Jeremy and I would be like that. I pushed the thought away almost as quickly as it came and trudged onward back to the Potato Patch.

       When I got back to the line, I quickly spotted Jeremy and Christine near the front. I squeezed between the other people and soon arrived at the two. To my utmost surprise, Jeremy looked quite horrified, and Christine was staring at the floor.

       "Is everything alright?" I asked, sidling up next to them. Jeremy mumbled something about needing to pee and slipped out of line, taking off in the direction I came from.

       "Everything's fine," Christine uttered, playing with the cuffs of her sleeves. I decided not to question it, as I could easily find out what happened later. We finally got to the cashier and I ordered our fries, seeing as Christine seemed in no mood to talk.

       Once we finally got our food, we spotted the table at which the rest of our group was seated.

       "Where's Jeremy?" Brooke asked as we sat down, munching on a waffle fry.

       "Bathroom," I stated, digging into the fry basket. We sat in relative silence for a while, occasionally starting small talk. After some time, Jeremy returned, his eyes red and puffy. When I asked what happened, he told me he walked into a cloud of dust. Like I believed that. I planned on inviting Jeremy over that night so that I could worm the details out of him.

       The rest of the day was quite uneventful. We didn't go on many rides, as it was impossible to decide on one. Instead, we created the schedule for the next day so that we wouldn't disagree as much. First, we would ride the Volcano, then the Log Jammer, then the Music Express. After that, we would grab slushies and take a break by the fountain. Then, we'd kick around the games and play the ones we didn't hit the first time and win as many prizes as possible. After that, we'd split into two teams: one riding the crazier rides, the other staying on the slower-paced ones. Once we did that for about an hour and a half, we'd meet up for lunch at the Shake Shack and just kick it for a while.

       We got about that far before we had to head back to the bus. Following other groups of students, we eventually found our way to the exit. We were herded back onto the clammy, crowded bus and managed to make it home without getting too injured from the bodies flying back and forth through the aisles.

       "Hey, Jeremy, wanna hang out tonight?" I managed to ask, trying to avoid smacking into him from the jostling of the unpaved road.

       "S-Sure," he stuttered, getting thrown into the back of the seat in front of us. I reached out and tugged on his blue pullover in an attempt to sit him up straight, but the bus drove through a pothole and threw him into my chest. I scurried to get him off in a "no homo" type fashion, my cheeks warming slightly. He smiled sheepishly at me and got launched into the window as we drove over a speed bump, the bus bouncing up and down.

How I couldn't wait to get home.

Another uneventful ending, but I promise the next chapter will be a good one. I've got something special planned >:3 Feel free to leave suggestions on what you think should happen!

~2163 words~

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now