Where's Lance

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When Lance woke up blue was still dark, but she wasn't as quite, Lance could here her in the back of his head. She was trying to get him to wake up!

"It's ok I'm awake" he managed to choke out. He decided to address how bad his wounds were, so he could try to treat them.

He had a long gash going along his chest, he had a black eye, and cut over his cheek. His left leg was bent at an odd angle, which could only mean it was broken. There were many other small cuts all over his body, and the amount of blood he lost/is losing, is not helping.

Lance sighed and later his head on the wall behind him, "heh, looks like I'll have some battle wounds after this," he said giving a half hearted giggle, that ended with him coughing up some blood. "Anyway where are we?" He asked in almost a whisper. He felt Blue's answer in the back of his mind, "The bottom of an ocean, well at least we're one with our element." He said before being consumed by darkness.

Every one had a job, that contributed to finding Lance. Allura and Coran worked on picking up the Blue lions signal, while Hunk and Pidge worked on repairing the Lions. Kieth and Shiro worked on fighting techniques. They all were super worried about their friend being lost, hurt, or maybe worse.

Hunk and Pidge
The two paladins worked in silence for awhile, until Hunk stopped and looked at Pidge, "Do you think he's alright?" Hunk was worried about his friend, Lance was always there for him, he wouldn't be able to take it if Lance was gone.

"I think he'll be fine, he's got Blue with him." Replied Pidge, in all honesty she didn't believe her words for one second, she was worried about Lance, and hoped he'd be ok.

Kieth and Shiro
The two had Been hard at work, training so when they found Lance they could fight anything that threatened them.

They decided to take a break to cool down, as they were sitting there Shiro looked at Kieth, "do you think I'm a bad leader?" He asked, with a hint of sadness.

Kieth looked at him in surprise, "Of course not! Why would you think that?!"

"It's because of me Lance is lost, maybe even hurt! I let him out of my sight and didn't pay attention to his whereabouts" said Shiro sighing, "I failed."

"You did not fail! We'll find him, and we'll be a team again, never doubt yourself!" Said Kieth worry edging his voice.

Kieth looked up at the ceiling and sighed.  Why would he think that! He's a great leader and leaders always make mistakes! Where are you Lance this team needs you!

Ok I know this is short but this will be a really long story and I want them in to shorter chapters

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