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Description: Mark and Amy won't leave Ethan alone because the other day they found out he has a crush and they really want to know who it is

Relationship status: Friends?

Warnings: cussing

Ethan's POV

Everyone was playing truth or dare for a live stream because why not but I didn't think it would end up the way it did.

Flashback to the live stream

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Mark asks and we all agree to play because we were probably kids the last time we played and it could be really fun especially with the fans. "Ok well I'll start, Amy truth or dare?" Mark asks. "Dare." Amy says confidently maybe even a bit to confident. "I dare you to do the chicken dance in front of everyone." Mark says but Amy only smiles. "I will own this." She says standing up doing the chicken dance and as she said she owned it.

This went on for a little longer, Mark had to run around the neighborhood screaming he was king of the squirrels, Tyler had to straighten his hair, and Kathryn had to do her ugliest face possible and let people take pictures and it was hysterical but then it was my turn.

"Ethan truth or dare." Kathryn says looking at me kind of creepy but also sweet, just strange. "Umm well no one has done truth so I guess I'll do truth." I say making everyone groan but Kathryn which should have been my first red flag.

"Ok Ethan, do you have a crush on anyone?" Suddenly everyone stopped groaning and they all had smirks on their faces. That was red flag number two and it was bright red just like my face. I must have looked like my entire face was sunburnt. "Well, ummmm I do."  I say looking down fiddling with my hands.

Everyone starts to freak out asking me who it is. "You asked me if I had a crush not who it was." I say with little to no confidence because I was very uncomfortable. "Come on Ethan, just tell us." Mark begs and everyone joins in. "I'm going to bed." I say standing up and walking out of the room without a warning.

They can't know who it is, not now, not ever.

But that's leads to today, one day after the live stream. I'm dreading having to get out of bed because I know that when I face everyone I'm going to be questioned again. I want to stay in my bed forever and hide but I can't do that so I hop out of bed, grab my clothes and head to the shower.

After I finish in the shower I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and washed my face. After I finish my short morning routine I walk out of the bathroom to see Amy and Mark standing right infront of me. Oh no this can't be good. I think as they start to slowly walk towards me causing me to freak out a little.

"Sorry Ethan didn't mean to scare you we just needed to ask you a question." Amy says looking at my frightened expression and the way I curled up to defend myself. I see where this is going and I don't want it to go there, It can't. "Ummm... well what is it?" I ask with my voice cracking a little from being scared.

"Well it's about yesterday." Amy starts off. Knew it. "We came to ask who you liked since you kind of just walked away yesterday." Mark finishes. "Well um, isn't that kind of personal." I say scratching the back of my neck nervously. "We know it's personal but we just want to help you." Amy says lifting my chin so I have to face her and Mark. I just shake my head looking at them. Why do they have to know, it will all break apart.

"Ethan we won't judge you, we promise." Mark says lifting my chin up this time. "It'll just ruin everything." I say walking away but Mark grabs my wrist. Why does he have to be stronger than me.

"Ethan we're not leaving you alone till you tell us ya' know." Mark says turning me around. I let out a huge sigh. "It's Tyler." I say and turn around so I can carry on with my day.

"Hold up not so fast buddy." Mark says turning me around again. Now I'm annoyed, I just want to get on with my day. "What else could you possible want?!" I say aggressively but I didn't raise my voice to show that I'm clearly annoyed.

"I know that you're probably done with us but we want to help you." Amy says but how could they help me! There is no way that Tyler likes me back because for all I know he is straight. "How could you possible help me. Tyler's straight for all I know." I say with a huff of frustration.

"We over heard Tyler talking to someone over the phone a few days ago and he was talking about how he liked you." Mark says shocking me. I look for any hint of joke on their faces but there is none. Could they be serious.

"Okay first of all that's kind of stalkerish." I say making all of us off. "Second of all how do you know he was being serious." "Dude are you blind! Do you not see the way he stares at you." Mark says loudly but luckily Tyler was out with a few of his friends.

I blush a little at the thought of Tyler staring me down. "Well what am I supposed to do about it?" "Make a move." Amy says in a duh tone. "Me, making a move. That's a funny joke." I say with a little sass in my voice because I can't make a move I'm way to shy.

"Just give him hints about liking him and he will eventually give in and ask you out, I promise, plus Amy and I will help along the way." Mark says and I mean I can't say no. I've liked Tyler since I first met him and getting asked of by him is like a dream.

"Fine but this starts tomorrow." I say sternly and Mark and Amy nod. I finally get out of Marks grip. I walk into the office and see Tyler looking hot as fuck. This is going to be a long day.

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