Chapter 16

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"Woah babe what's wrong" He pulled away from her a bit and began to wipe away her tears.

"That was him Josh. That was my ex-husband Danny"

"Okay. I looked out the glass, who was that woman with him"

"His new fiancé. My sister"

He held her in his arms for a while. He was trying to comprehend all that he had been told. It was Maya's sister and her new fiancé. Maya had been married. He was almost afraid to ask about the whole situation. Not only that but he didn't even look at Charlotte. Why wouldn't someone be interested in their own child, Josh sure was. He had been there when her own father hadn't, Charlotte was just as important to him as Maya was.

"You want to know all about it don't you?"

"Only if your ready to tell me. Whether you tell me or not I'm staying. I'm in this with you Maya. You and Charlotte"

"I got married to him not long out of high school. We had been together for years. I came home one day to find him in bed with my sister. I really thought it was a one time thing. I was willing to forgive both of them. That was until I found out it happened pretty much the entire relationship. Not long after I found out I was pregnant"

Josh pulled her into his chest. He was trying his best to comfort her. Charlotte began to squirm around in her stroller. "What about Charlotte, why would he not want to be in her life?"

Maya put her head down. She didn't know how to tell him. She was worried he would be angry. "I never saw him after I walked in on him with Krystal. I couldn't go back. He doesn't know about her and now he has two kids. He now has the perfect family with my sister"

He could see she was getting worried with where this conversation was going. He thought about it. He would do exactly the same thing in that situation. Charlotte deserved better. Maya deserved better. He now knew why Amelia was so protective of them both.

"It's okay, she will be fine Maya. One day I hope we can be a family"

"I want that too Josh. I want that so badly but if he finds out he will try and get custody. I know him, he will do anything to rub his new life in my face and try and make mine miserable. I can't have him take our daughter Josh. I can't"

She began sobbing louder. He had noticed what she had said. She had called Charlotte their daughter but now wasn't the time for that conversation. If Josh was being honest he didn't really mind the idea of it. It would be honoured to have such a massive role in Charlotte's life.

"It's okay no one is going to take her away from us. Does anyone else know?"

"Just Amelia. Mom and Dad weren't too happy about the whole situation but of course sided with Krystal because if I was good enough he would have stuck around. So I never told them when I was pregnant, I moved in with Amelia's family. Im thinking about catching up with Rob next week. Krystals ex husband. We talk all the time but he has no idea about her and I want him to know. We have always been like siblings and I want her to have some type of family"

"That's messed up. Maya I realise you want her to have family but she will have you, Amelia, this rob guy, me and my family. I can tell you now mom is already asking about seeing you and Charlotte again. We are going to make this work for her"

Her heart was absolutely full. He really wanted to all this just for them. To make them feel special.

"Thank you Josh for always being there. We are so lucky"

"Anything for my girls"

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