Chapter 4: My lips are sealed

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"Riley didn't tell you? I was married for a few years"

"No she didn't but that's fine it's your business not mine"

"No it's fine, I'd like to think we are friends or at least could be. I got married when I was 20 I thought she was the love of my life. We got into a car accident. She died. I was upset for so long until I turned her phone on one day just to see her photos, I just wanted to see her smile. I just missed her. Turns out she didn't love me is much as I loved her considering the messages that came through from a guy she worked with"

Maya put her hand on the one Josh had on the table and drew circles with her thumb. He gave her a weak smile. His other arm still securely around Charlotte.

"That must have been hard"

"It was it made it harder to get over her death knowing there was someone else she was in love with"

Maya so desperately wanted to tell him about Danny. The only person she had told was Amelia. Her mother and father didn't believe anything that was said.

"So what about you, Is Charlotte's dad around?"

"Um no, I haven't really told anyone about what went on. Maybe sometime soon I will be able to"

"Hey no rush, just means we get to be around each other more. Just to let you know no one knows about Elise, the guy from work at least. So if we could keep this between us"

"My lips are sealed. I think maybe I should get her home. She might actually go to sleep now. That's for settling her down"

"Not a problem Maya, it was really nice to see you again. Any chance maybe I could get your number. You know so we could maybe see each other again later"

"Uh yeah" she quickly put her number in his phone and took Charlotte from him getting ready to leave the cafe. "Bye Josh"

"Bye Maya"

On the walk home Maya couldn't help but smile. It had been a while since she had spoken to Amelia. She had hoped pretty soon that she would make her way to New York for a holiday. She missed having her best friend with her. Once she put Charlotte down she decided to FaceTime her, actually she was meant to do it a few hours before then of course she got caught up with Josh.

"Maya! I have been waiting for your call all morning"

"I was just out..with a friend"

Amelia couldn't help but notice the smile on Maya's face. One like that hadn't been there for years apart from the day Charlotte was born.

"A friend huh? And what is this friends name?"

"Josh. I know you are going to ask the questions so here it goes. Yes he is hot, yes he is single and he is 27"

"Oooh so have you slept with him yet?"

"Amelia! No I haven't. We just had coffee. You know Riley I was telling you about, he is her uncle"

"So you have it bad for your new friends hot young uncle"

"Well yeah but he comes with his own baggage. He was married. She passed away a few years ago now. He told me all about her. I wanted to tell him about Danny after he asked about Charlotte's dad but I wasn't ready"

"Just give yourself time Maya it was a shock to all of us what happened. Has he met Charlotte?"

"Yeah one day he was working and her babysitter couldn't look after her so he took her. She really likes him, he is so good with him"

"Wow you actually let someone look after Charlotte. Maya just let him in please, I have to go to work. Have fun with Josh" she winked. "I will be in New York soon. Love ya"

"Love you too bye"

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