Chapter 9

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"YAAAAAAAY" Rileys screamed. Maya had just told her that her and Josh were finally girlfriend and boyfriend. Maya couldn't help but laugh. Riley was the one that really pushed them together. She didn't know the details of Maya's life before coming to New York but knew that both of  them deserved to be happy.

"Alright Riles let's get back to work"

The day had gone on slowly. Maya couldn't wait to get home. Josh didn't have a shift that day so he looked after Charlotte. Maya was busy sorting out what they would get up to with Amelia when she came to New York. Maya was particularly nervous about what was going to happen when Amelia actually met Josh. She was a little wild and absolutely no filter.

Maya walked into her apartment to find Josh laying on the couch asleep with a sleeping Charlotte on top of him. Shaking her head she decided to go and make dinner. She wasn't quite sure why Josh even had his stuff at Cory and Topanga's anymore he was at Maya's every night and occasionally left to get some more clothes. She had come to expect there to be another adult around to help her with everything. Maya didn't care if josh stayed there permanently. They hadn't really spoken about the future but she was hoping he would stick around for a while if not ever.

"Alright sleeping beauty dinner is ready" Maya whispered into Josh's ear. He stirred in his sleep.

"Hmm smells good, do you want me to put her to bed first"

"If that's alright I will get it all dished up"

Josh had put Charlotte to bed. She was so tired that she didn't wake like she normally would if someone put her down. There dinner was filled with conversation about all kinds of things. Josh was trying to bring up something more serious with Maya but wasn't sure how to say it. She had never mentioned her family and he really wanted her to go to Philly to meet his family during thanksgiving.

"So Maya do you see your family during thanksgiving?"

"Uh no I don't really get on with them. Last year I was still pregnant with Charlotte so I just spent it with Amelia"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to Philly to meet my parents" Josh could see the expression on her face change. "You know if you don't want to you don't have to"

"No it's not that just you really want me to meet your parents?"

"Well yeah mom is kind of sick of hearing about you and Charlotte and really wants to meet you both"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. He had spoken to his family about her and Charlotte.

"Well in that case I would really love to meet them too"

The night went how it normally would. They ended up laying on the couch. Maya snuggled next to Josh. She loved the way it felt to be with him. His hand started to brush her skin and made its way to her thigh. Maya became increasingly nervous. She hadn't been intimate with anyone in almost two years. She really liked Josh but wasn't too sure how far she could go. He meant down to kiss her and in no time she was deepening it. Completely getting caught up with the love she felt.

"Josh I haven't done this for a while"

"Neither have I, we don't have to if you don't want to"

"No come on let's go to the bedroom"

Maya decided just to let it go. She really liked this guy and she way sick of holding back because of her past relationship. Josh was careful with her, making her feel love she hadn't felt ever.

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