Part 24

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"You okay?" Justin asked , his voice soothing the aching pain that was my chest .

"Yeah" I lied , absentmindedly staring at the ceiling I front of me .

"You're lying" Justin said , making me sigh .

Justin had been gone for three weeks now and I felt like everything was back to square one . I keep getting flashes , and when I think its going to be some way to my memory , all I come up with is white . Its scaring me.

" Everything is just so hectic for some reason" I mumbled , wishing he was next to me , holding me .

Yesterday I screamed when Harry walked into my house , I barely knew who he was. He got worried and took me to the hospital so I could get checked out , and the doctor said my amnesia is getting worse. Instead of progressing , I'm miserably dropping .He said pretty soon the flashes will stop , and I'll lose my memory for good.

"Why whats wrong?" Justin's voice spoke into the phone ,the protectiveness and worry laced in his tone.

Justin didn't know about yesterday's events , I made Harry promise not to tell anyone . I'm scared on how he will react, I know he'd be crushed and im scared of whats going to happen to me . What happens if I wake up one day back to square one ?

"Nothing" I lied , grabbing his pillow from his side of the bed and squeezing it to my chest.

"Tyn" Justin warned , making my eyes fill up with tears.

" I just miss you so much" I croaked , willing myself to keep my tears in.

I could hear Justin's deep sigh as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

"I miss you too baby" Justin breathed out , making my heart mend just a little .

"Why did this have to happen to us?" I whimpered , asking him the same question for the hundredth time .

" Why me?" I sobbed , the tears coming out before I could stop them .

" Tyn" Justin sighed , pain radiating from his voice through the phone .

" Im sorry" I sniffle , the ache in my chest too much to bear .

"Justin?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah baby?" He asked , and I looked towards the wall .

"Can you tell me some things about our relationship?" I asked , realizing that we've never spoken of this before.

"What?" Justin asked , but I know he heard me .

"Can you tell me about us ? What were we like before this? What was I like? How did we meet?" I asked , resting my head on his pillow .

I cant help but wonder , if we were exactly like this , or were we different ? Was our relationship terrible , or is it better than ever now ?

Justin chuckled through the phone "Somewhat" He said , and I closed my eyes ,listening to the sound of his voice and pretending he was right next to me .

"We were , different ." Justin said , making me smile .

" I remember the first day I laid my eyes on you . You were wearing a black skirt , I hated it . But I couldn't help but think how beautiful it looked on you" He said , making me bite my lip to keep from smiling .

"You also wore this thin sweater , tucked inside . It was an odd combination of clothing , and you were freezing ." He said , and I nodded , not realizing he couldn't see me .

"Go on" I whispered .

" Your hair was down , and it looked so beautiful , but I couldn't walk up to you , or else my beliebers would notice . The funny thing was , I was hiding in a clothing rack full of dresses , trying to get rid of them." He chuckles , making me laugh lightly .

"You found me , and you almost screamed but I grabbed you and pulled you in the rack with me. You were fighting me off , and im almost sure we were getting weird looks , but I was only trying to let you know not to scream . You were feisty , independent , and I knew right there I wanted to see you again ." He said , making me squeeze the sheets between my small fingers.

"After I finally explained to you what was going on , you didn't even know who I was , which made me a little happy. We just sort of hit it off from there . Almost a year later , I asked you to be mine , and obviously you said yes." He laughed , the sound filling my ears and bringing Goosebumps to my skin .

" And you" He starts , " You're just like you are now . Headstrong , independent , beautiful" He trails off , making me blush .

"Nothing's changed , except you don't remember all the times we've had" He said , and I frowned .

"How do you feel about all of this?" I asked , and I knew he knew what I was talking about .

After a long period of silence , I checked the phone to make sure we were still on the line.

"Justin?" I asked , and he let out a deep breath .

"It sucks to be honest" He says , making my heart sink.

"I mean , this whole thing completely crushed me . Especially because I was stupid and this was all my fault." He said , I knew there was a frown on his face .

"It wasn't your fault Justin .I should of looked where I was walking" I teased , trying to lighten the mood .

"No Tyn , you wouldn't have ran off if I didn't" He started

"Please don't finish that" I beg , wishing that was just a nightmare that did't happen .

"Would you take it back?" I asked , holding my breath until he answered .

I would . I would take this all back and watch where I was going . I would be able to remember my best friend , boyfriend , and friends clearly . I would take it all back in a heart bea-

"No" He said , making my stomach drop .

What ?


A/N - oh my golly how will Tyn react to Justin's confession ? He wouldn't take back cheating on her ?!?!? jfvuyhcfh

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