Part 16

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A smiled was immediately spread across my face as my eyes fluttered open , the sun beaming through the windows .

I grinned , getting ready to get up until I realized I couldn't .

I smiled when I saw Justin's slightly pouting face facing me , his arm wrapped tightly around my bare waist .

I bit my lip ,before laying back down , my grin never seeming to disappear.

Last night was the most magical night I'd ever had .

He had made me feel so special , so good .

Like a princess.

I turned to my side in Justin's grip , staring at him for a moment .

He was beautiful .

I lifted my hand , lightly tracing his light pink lips , before running my hands through his hair softly .

Justin let out a light snore , making me bite back my giggle .

I cuddled closer to him , his warmth wrapping around me and keeping me safe .

I kissed his bare chest gently , before looking up at him .

His eyes were starting to flutter , so I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep .

"mmmm" Justin said , his arms tightening around me .

I tried my best to hide my smile , but I couldn't . I was just so happy.

"I know youre awake" Justin's raspy voice said , and I giggle , opening my eyes .

I beamed up at him "good morning" I whispered , before placing a kiss on his lips .

Justin smiled "Morning"

He stared at me for a while , his smile faltering slightly .

"Whats wrong?" I asked , oblivious to the world .

Justin quickly snapped out of it , before moving my hair way from my face .

He caressed my cheek as he spoke "You're just so beautiful" He said , making me blush .

"Yesterday was .." I started , unsure of how to explain it .

"Magical" I finished off, biting my lip .

"Yeah , it was" He said , his eyes shining with love .

"Im going to go shower, okay?" I asked , before reluctantly wiggling out of his grip .

I wrapped the sheets around my body , before moving to stand up.

I winced , before holding onto the nightstand .

"Are you okay? "Justin asked , moving to get up .

"I-Im fine , just a bit sore" I said , the pain between my legs excruciating .

"Here , let me" Justin said , before putting on a pair of boxers and moving towards me .

I squealed lightly as he lifted me up bridal style ,

Justin walked towards the bathroom , before sitting my down on the sink and starting the water .

I smiled "My hero" I said , loving the sound of the laugh that came out of his lips afterwards .

I watched as Justin put a bunch of soap in the bathtub , the bubbles soon forming inside the tub .

"All done " Justin said , turning around to me .

He helped me get up , before removing the sheets from my body .

"Now relax" He said , helping e ease in the bathtub.

I sighed in relief , it was perfect .

"Would you like to join me?" I asked shyly , my cheeks growing red .

Justin smiled "Of course" He said , before slowly sliding in the big tub .

I smiled , Justin wrapping his arms around my waist as I sat on his lap .

The tub was fairly huge , we could fit about ten people in here.

But it felt nice , just the two of us.

I turned around in Justin's embrace , our foreheads touching as he started to speak

"You know I love you right?" He whispered , my hair getting damp from the heat between us .

I slowly nodded my head , staring deep into his eyes .

"No matter what happens , I will always love you" He continued , before attaching his lips to mine .

"It was so magical , and special , and just perfect and I cant stop smiling" I said , watching as Harry tried not to throw up in his mouth .

"You really need to find some girlfriends" Harry said , and I laughed .

"Hey at least I spared you the details!" I smiled , still in a trance from last night .

"So , did he ever tell you why he was acting so funny?" He asked , making my smile drop slightly .

"No , but I don't want to think about it . At least not now . I want to stay in this mood" I said , my thoughts drifting to Justin dreamily .

"Well , you should find out soon , I don't want you getting hurt" Harry said , before snapping his lips shut quickly .

I furrowed me eyebrows .

"What do you mean? Did he tell you something?" I asked , confused .

"No Tyn , I'm just saying" He said quickly , and I could tell he was lying .

I stared at him for a second , before sighing , deciding to let it go .

"Anyways , how do you feel? Do you need any meds? "He asked , making me smile .

"No , I was a little sore this morning but I'm fine" I said quickly , trying my best not to blush .

"Where's Justin now?" Harry asked , grabbing a bottle of water from his refrigerator .

I took a bite of the apple that I was currently eating . "I don't know , some meeting or something" I said , shrugging .

"Have you been to any of his meetings?" He asked , and I stopped chewing my apple .

"No , I don't think its my place to just go" I said , staring at him suspiciously .

"Why , you go to mine all the time" Harry said , taking a sip from his water bottle .

"Yeah but , its different . Justins my boyfriend" I started , but Harry cut me off .

"Which is all the more of a reason to go" He said , making me sigh .

"Are you trying to tell me something Harry?" I asked , crossing my arms .

Harry shook his head "No" His deep voice said slowly .

"Since when were there secrets in this friendship?" I snapped , standing up and grabbing my coat .

I didn't want my mood to be ruined , and I knew staying here would ruin it .

"Tyn wait" Harry said ,grabbing my arm and stopping me from leaving the house .

"What Harry . What are you hiding from me?" I asked , staring into his eyes which held concern and sympathy .

"Justin's going on tour" Harry said ,and I furrowed my eyebrows .

"No he isn't . He wouldn't leave me . He knows I can't-" I started but Harry cut me off .

"We had a meeting earlier this week Tyn , he's leaving next week" Harry said , making me swallow hard .

"He would tell me" I whispered , looking down .

"I'm sorry" Harry said , his eyes filling with sympathy.

"For how long? "I asked , and Harry looked away .

"Harry please, no more secrets" I pleaded , I needed to know .

"A year" He said quietly , but I heard him loud and clear .

And just like that , everything fell apart.


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