Part 17

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I tried to stop the tears that were falling from my eyes as I pulled into our parking lot , before resting my head on the steering wheel .

That's why he was acting so different towards me , and that's why he told me "no matter what happens" speech .

Justin knew I had head trauma , and that I wasn't supposed to be away from what I used to be regular with , because the familiarity might bring my memory back .

He knew, and he still kept this from me ,

I took in a deep breath , before stepping out of the car.

I slowly walked towards the door , noticing Justins car parked in the parking lot .

I bit my lip , before putting the key in the lock and opening the door.

I quickly wiped my tears , before letting out a deep breath I hadn't realized I had still been holding .

I walked into the living room , my eyes immediately finding Justin.

Justin soon found my face , and he smiled , before looking at me more closely.

"What happened?" Justin asked , standing up and walking towards me .

I knew I looked a mess , my face was hot and my eyes hurt from all the tears I shed .

"Tyn?" Justin asked , stepping closer to me but I backed away , my heart aching at the sight of his slightly hurt face.

"Youre going on tour?" I croaked out , my glistening eyes looking into his .

Justins face twisted into one of regret , making me close my eyes .

Harry was right .

" When were you going to tell me?" I asked , my body filling up with so many emotions I thought I'd pass out .

Justin looked up at me " I was going to Tyn I swear" He said , making me look away .

"Why didn't you?" I ask , wanting answers .

I didn't want to run away anymore , I was tired of running , and crying.

Justin looked down "I was trying to find the right time" He whispered , but I just laughed . More like cackled

"The right time? You're leaving in a week and you were trying to find the right time? What if you didn't find the right time? You were just going to leave me?" I whimpered , creating more distance between us .

"No , of course not Tyn . I would never leave you" He said , moving closer to me but I put my hand up , stopping him.

"Well that's what you're gonna do anyways! You know I cant go on tour and youre leaving anyways. I-" I started , but I couldn't finish my sentence .

"Tyn im sorry . I didn't mean for this to happen . I didn't know this was going to happen! I forgot about the amnesia , the accident , everything . I thought it was just Tyn! I cant pick between my career and you!" He said , but then his eyes widened .

My heart nearly exploded right then and there in my chest .

I sucked in a deep breath , that hurt .

"Well" I said , scratching my arm

"I cant make you chose between your career and me. But its obvious you already made a choice" I said , before turning around and walking upstairs .

"Tyn" Justin said , but I kept walking , until I reached my bedroom .

I slammed the door , before sliding down the wall , falling into a heap of tears .

I bit my fist , willing myself not to cry anymore but I couldn't .

Just when things were getting so perfect , everything came crashing down . Once again .

I covered my face with my hands , tiny sobs leaving my trembling lips as I think about Justin leaving me .


Justin still hadn't came up , and I was currently laying down on my bed , my hair damp from the shower I had just took .

I was staring into space , mindlessly making patterns on the bed as I laid on my side , feeling as alone as ever .

Suddenly there was a knock on my bedroom door .

"Come in" I sighed , knowing it wasn't Justin because he would of just came in .

"Hey" Liams voice rung through the room , but I didn't have the energy to get up and greet him .

"I know you're upset Tyn" Liam said , sitting down next to me on the bed .

"I don't think upset is the word" I said , looking over at him .

Liam looked at me sympathetically. "Justin is torn" Liam said , my heart aching at the mention of his name.

"He's at your place?" I asked , sitting up.

"Yeah , he didn't know what to do. He really does love you Tyn" Liam said , making me sigh .

"I know he does Liam. But how could he keep this from me? After everything that's been going on , I thought things were finally going well" I said , biting my bottom lip to keep from crying again .

"I know you're upset, but look at it from his point of view . He has millions of fans looking up to him , waiting for him , and all he wants to do is make their nights . You know he doesn't want to leave you . He would rather die than leave you , but hes put in a really hard position right now" Liam said , and I took some time to think .

I know it would be selfish of me to make Justin stay , but the thought of losing him for a year makes it difficult for me to breath .

So much could happen in a year .

What if I get my memory back ?

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