From time to time, David inquires about my past friendships. Especially those who I already lost in touch with. Grillby, Muffet, Annoying Dog, Temmie, and Sans. He would notice me reproach from the topic and we never went to discuss them for a while.

David wants so badly to meet everybody though, he insists on inviting more of our neighborhood monsters to our house just to eat dinner and chat. We're both known to be the friendliest humans any monster could ever meet.

"Don't you mean a skele-ton of things about me?"

I couldn't help but smile in my head on how he could easily slip puns into any situation. I missed that about Sans.

I guess this is the day David's been waiting for. Too bad I am only gonna witness the sounds of their voices and laughter. I would love to see them smile at each other too.

David cackled as he patted Sans' shoulders. "It's you! I've been waiting to meet you for a very long time, my friend."

They're getting along pretty well, for a moment I thought things would be awkward between them. Maybe my speculation was wrong.

"Sorry, just the normal busy guy," Sans replied. His voice sounds hoarse and slightly deeper than I actually remembered. And the way he talks now is more matured. It's barely noticeable but the change is still there.

"So you must be here to visit her," David guessed sounding more like a question rather than a statement.

"Yeah..." was all I heard Sans say.

There was a moment of silence. Maybe right then, I thought time had stopped for a moment until David spoke again.

"Alright, I'll go outside. Please call me if anything bad happens."

"Of course, no worries pal."

The door creaked open and closed again. This time I felt a pair of eyes landed on me.

I could be hugging him so tight right now. So many things I could be doing right now, but all I'm able to do is lay on this bed that gets more and more uncomfortable over time.

I felt the mattress move on my right side. Maybe he sat down to have a better look at me.

Feeling of anxiety and insecurity suddenly engulfed my whole being. I want to hide my face away. I don't want him to see me in this condition. I don't want him to feel bad about me. This is just so wrong for me. Have you seen what I look like these past few days? I look so bad that I completely refused to see myself in the mirror. The vision of my reflection from a few days ago appeared before me. Nobody would be pleased to see this kind of dreadful sight.

My skin is so pale as if blood had completely drained out of my body. My body got thinner than it was the other night from my shoulders to my toes. My toes that is always trembling and cold. I feel cold because my body had long lost its ability to create heat, I'm almost nothing but skin and bones. My bones fragile and break easily.

"Heya, Frisk," he whispered to me soothing and calm. "What happened to ya, buddy?"

The warmth of his bony hands started to travel on the nerves of my cold cheeks. I never realized I have been longing for his touch up until this very moment.

"I'm sorry you must be on a lot of pain right now."

His thumb strokes my cheek, and then he shoves some of my hair behind my ears. I remember he does the same thing, many years ago.

"But Frisk, so am I..." he quivered as he continued with his words. "It's more painful for me to see you. After all these years and I come back. Nobody prepared me for this, kid. Nobody."

Is he keeping himself from crying?

"If I only knew, I would've stayed. If I only knew, I would never leave your side. Things could've been better. We could've been happy together."

We could have been happy together.

His words hit me like lightning, a reminder that I've wanted the same thing many years ago. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be happy with him. I wanted a future with Sans more than anything else in this world. But life made it harder for us to see what we could've been back then until it's all too late. Somewhere in between, we drifted a part and we both took our separated ways.

"I just need to tell you something."

Sans took a deep shaky breath seemingly hesitant of what he's planning to say. I wanted so badly to stop that, he doesn't have to suppress his feelings on me once again. Some things about him just never change. He's always been the type of guy who's good at hiding his emotions, the total opposite of the way I am.

Although I've told him a million times that if he wants to cry, I'll welcome his tears. I understand him and if I couldn't, I'm always ready to listen to his problems.

We both know life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. There will be catastrophes from time to time, but you shouldn't be afraid of them. Because even storms can be beautiful too.

Face it and take it slow, it's not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.

"Can you hear me, sweetheart?"

Sweetheart. I remember him calling me the same nickname before. My heart is pounding heavily in my chest and I can feel it being shattered one more time.


*Sans' POV*

At the moment my eyes fell on her as she lies lifelessly on that white hospital bed, I felt my broken heart get smashed into million pieces again.

Is this what's always been meant to happen? Even if she did end up with me, will things still go this way? I don't think I can take the situation where I couldn't do anything to save her from her own destiny.

I am here now, and that's how I feel. But I'm only here as Sans, her old friend that she haven't seen for numerous years. I realized if I would be the one on David's shoes, I could definitely lose my mind.

As I sat here beside her, my hands on her cheek, I feel like telling every single thing I've always wanted to tell her before. It took me this long to find the right time.

All those words I could've told her and make her stay by my side. Stupid me, I just never got the courage to do so. But now that I do, I will not let the chance slip away.

"Can you hear me, sweetheart?"

I asked. But it's just a question meant to float in the air and vanish away. I know I wouldn't get any response. Though whether or not she could hear me, I guess I'll carry on. I have to tell her the truth before it's all too late.

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