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guys this is almost at 800 reads I'm dying 

so I thought I would do a thing

whatever the hell that means

so my names grace and if u call me Gracie I will cut you unless you're my volleyball coach because she's Russian and she scares me and I don't think she knowes my real name is grace

yeah so I play volleyball on a gold team for this really amazing club and rn I'm doing a camp called intensity and I actually have abs I'm so happy

I'm queer

I'm not sure what that entitles but I know I don't fit into any straight or cis norm. I'm not a gender I'm not a sexuality I'm just grace. I hate having a box put around me

I'm in a Catholic family so I really can't come out so I won't get disowned (my parents legit told me and my sister if we are a non-straight non-cis sexuality they will disown us) so it's really nice to have this community that I can be out and happy on

I have anxiety and depression and it really sucks but writing is my way to escape it all and I'm  so happy people are actually reading it I don't think you understand 

and yeah I see these stories with 100k reads and I'm like damn but then I get nearly 800 and I'm like damn

writing is my passion and I'm so happy I get to continue to grow with it and figure out my writing style and what I want to do

idk it's midnight and I'm just feeling hella grateful for everything

I also live in Kansas City so GO MOTHAFUCKIN ROYALS

this is getting long probs stop reading this 

I just wanna talk

I really want to be fluent in French so I can study abroad and talk to all the cute French boys and girls and also so I can be far away from home because however amazing it can be, Kansas can be restricting. We aren't all hicks and republicans, but it's just hard to be me.

it's hard because I can't tell my ma or my sis about my first kiss because it was with a girl

and I couldnt tell my family about my first relationship because it's with a girl

and I couldn't tell my parents why I was bawling my eyes out because I had just broke up with my first girlfriend

but then I got a boyfriend and it's all fine 

and I can't tell my family what I write bc it's all lgbtqia (they need to shorten the thing) and I'm actually proud of the novel I'm writing that isn't on here

also Halsey and Troye Sivan are my #1 queens

and LANY is so underrated

thank you for your time.

more stuff to come I apologize for this

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