Killer x Reader - Captain's Orders

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Hey guys! I know, I'm being reckless and uploading a whole bunch of new stuff this week. But, I could not toss this idea.

To be honest, one-shots are not my favorite. They do have some really good ones on deviantART, though. So here one of my own is.

Well, first I want to do an Killer x Reader one. It will actually be pretty long, so enjoy!

Clenching your jaw, you tried to remember what had happened just a month ago. You had joined the Kid pirates, one of the most vicious crews in the world. Why? Well, being Eustass Kid's sister had it's benefits. The two of you fought over the stupidest things, like driving the ship for an hour, or spending money at the right stores.

The only one who could break up you're fights was Killer, the massacre solider. To you, he was this slightly bulky guy with a positive attitude. He would always ask to be excused when you we're eating, and Kid would always reply with a gruff, "yes."

But if you dared to excuse yourself from the table, your hot-headed brother would snap at you to stay, receiving a chuckle from the other crew mates, including Killer, when he was present. You don't know why, but when everyone but you were eating, the masked man settled himself at the table. If you we're to walk in, he would only leave. Why is that? you wondered. Sometimes you would blame yourself for being a burden to the blond, only socializing when you held a knife to Kid's throat, and the only thing Killer would do is beg you not to slice your sibling, though, you doubted you could bring yourself to do it, anyway.

Maybe the only reason you picked fights with your brother was to catch his attention. It was the only time you could see him, so why not? Kid never got physical, either. Most of the time, he would only yell, and Killer would be quick to break it up.

Sometimes you thought of his mask. Maybe he had revealed his face to everyone else on the crew except you. Was it because of your gender? Surely it had to be, you took pride in being a female, and much to your brother's dismay, weren't afraid to show it. Maybe Killer felt a bit intimidated by your feminine presence as to reveal his face.

Today, however, you were sitting alone on the side of the ship, staring at the wavy waters flow back and forth. The moonlight shined on the waves, creating a nice, relaxing feeling. It was one of the only one's on the pirate ship.

In your hand lay a glass of red wine, shinning steadily with the liquid of the ocean, though, you only took sips. Drinking wasn't your specialty, and every so often your mouth would recoil the taste of the alcohol. But, unfortunately, everyone else loved to drink.

Especially today. You weren't too sure of what was going on, but your crew was yelling, drinking and all other things in the other room. Your hands traced over the bumpy feeling of the skull on the end of your ship, actually yearning to take part in their events. Usually you would prefer being alone, but today it just seemed too lonely.

So, as you poured your wine off the side of the ship, your legs unlocked, and you stalked toward the 'party.' As you entered, you were immediately met with the sensation of booze, covering your nose in disgust. You knew this was a bad idea, almost everyone looked flustered with beer.

You instantly spotted your brother and hovered over to him. "Kid?" you said, tugging on his shoulder, and wrapping your hands around his arm. Luckily, when he turned around, his face wasn't as red as you'd thought.

"What?" he replied, not sounding as hoarse as usual. But now that you caught his attention, you didn't know what else to say.

Your eyes searched the room. Killer was not by Kid's side, as he usually was. He was by a pair of men, one you knew as Heat, and the other funny looking but you didn't know his name.

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