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Personally the next 2 chapters are going to be my favorite chapter. Butt I love all the other chapters too.😘

Marco's POV

Star, Pony Head, me, and some other servants where setting up the ball room. I was kinda wondering why most of the decorations where red. But then again red was a cool color.😏

That took all day. To night was the ball and I still had nothing to where.

The thing started at 7 and it was 5:52. I only had an hour to get something and I didn't extend on going to the AAM. I sat on my bed and looked at the key chain.

I realized that I ready had no need for in. Then I started to think of Star. She saved me from Toffee, sorta payed for the key chain. If you count breathing into a jar as a form of payment. Also I thought of how smart and presto she had become now. Before she was cool but now she was perfect. Brains and brawn.

I looked at the gem in the center. It was nice. The I thought someone as kind and nice as Star deserves something nice in return.

Then I got the idea of taking out the blue gem and making it into s necklace. I found a fine chain in the guards weapons room that wasn't too beat up and rusty.

So I carved out the gem and took a pice of metal and blended it around it so it would hook up to the chain I found.

When I was done it was not to bad I smother out the ends and now it was like a real necklace and not some thing I put to gather in my room.

The clock struck 8 I was late and still didn't have anything to where. CRAP!!!

I didn't I have time I still wanted to give Star the necklace so I just went down.

On my way down I ran into king Butterfly. "Oh Marco. Sorry. But you can't go in those cloths. He grabbed my arm. I had to bend down a little. But he was leading off. "You have to look nice. This is a ball and you have to look your best."

Star's POV

It was 8:20 and my mom was still fussing with my hair. For the time it took us to pick out a dress I was surprised that it was only 8:20. But I was still late.

She shook her head."Star one day soon you have to get your hair cut. It is simply to long."

"Mom it's ok I will just put a ponytail no big deal." I grabbed the comb from her hands and brushed my hair. Then tied it up.

My mom let out a sigh. "I feels like just yesterday I was doing your hair and lecturing you to become a proper princess. But seeing you now you are already a perfect princes."

She got up and walked to the door. Just before she left he said one last thing. "Oh yah and Star, Tom will be there." Then she left.

I Haden's told Marco that me and Tom...ugh ...I banished the thought from my mind.

I walked down stairs and enters the room from the balcony. Everyone stoped and looked at me. I surfed the crowd looking for Marco. I started to walk down the steps due to people nudging me to keep going. I finally saw Marco he was by bottom of the stairs. I couldn't really see his face he was facing the other way but I could tell by his brown hair.

But to night he had his hair achully combed and was wearing a red top with black pants with yellow epaulets and sash.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I realized how much taller Marco was than me. I know it's silly but I never really noticed. I walked past a man and taped Marco's shoulder.

He tuned to face me. We looked each other in the eyes for awhile.

His chocolate brown eyes looked like that had star's in them from the reflection of the lights.

Some man shoved his way threw the crown and Marco stepped clover to me.

We both started to blush. I I moved my hair behind my ear and looked towards the ground.

" you want to dance!" Marco looked at the ground and had his hand extended.

We both smiled. I went to take his hadn't when suddenly Tom who came out of nowhere hugged me.

"Hellos Starship. I haven't seen you in awhile. Sorry I was late there was traffic in the Underworld."

Tom's POV

I opened my eyes. Then I saw him. That boy. It think his name was Mark or something. I saw he had his hand out.

I started to pet the new bunnie I got for my 1,017 birthday.

"Sorry but the princess dance card is full."

Star broke free of my embrace which was abut unusual. "Tom this is Marco."

The name ring in my head Marco, Marco, Marco.

Then it all came back to me. "Marco. What are you doing here?" I knew this would mess things up with me and Star. The fake feeling for each other

Marco rubbed the back of his head." I was here to see Star and help decorate for the party."

"Well the party looks great. Where's Janna and Jackie?" I looked around.

"They got band from muni."

"Well that's to bad. You look nice." With that I look star's arm and led her to the dance floor.

Marco's POV

CRAP!!!!! What was Tom doing here.
I couldn't compete with the some of saint.'s....just... I love Star? I realized that I did. Why else would I go threw all the trouble to make a necklace for her and when I am around her my head races. Or that's just because I woke up from something. But I am going with the love theory.

I looked up and saw Tom dance omg with Star. It was hope less. Tom wouldn't let me dance with Star or even get close to her for that matter.

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