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I'm back!

And HAPPY 2018

I️ hope you all had a happy New Years, I️ did And I️ actually managed to stay up until midnight!

However, I'm back in school for my 2nd semester and I️ already have a ton of homework


I️ hope you like this chapter because it took me awhile for write it

So yea, go on and read it

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My day began with me rushing out of the house to make it to Lacrosse practice on time. This also lead to me missing breakfast and being hungry for the remainder of the morning.

I️ was number 14 in my lacrosse team. I️ adored lacrosse, it was my getaway. I️ was always an active and athletic child. When I️ was little, my mom signed me up for all kinds of sports, but when I️ first started Lacrosse I️ fell in love with it.

So that's where I️ was now, sitting on the bench chugging a water.

"Hey Shane slow down man," my friend Carter said as he slapped my back, making me choke on the water and spat part of it out.

"Not cool Carter."

He laughed. Carter is my best friend, and also sister's boyfriend, I️ wasn't so keen on them dating either. He was the captain of the lacrosse team and he also kept up his grades at school, unlike me.

"So what are you doing with my sister tonight that she keeps talking about?" I️ asked as I️ laced up my regular shoes I️ can in.

"Oh," he chuckled,"I'm taking her to go see that band she is in love with."

"Oh them."

"Hey they are actually good!" Carter defended.

I️ playfully rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say man!"

"Hey I've gotta go, we are leaving at 4 and I️ still have to go and do some stuff."

"Okay, Bye! I'll see you later!" I️ called out as he ran to his car.

I️ followed his actions and went into my own car and drove home.

I️ shut the door to my house when my mom called out, "Shane is that you?"

"Yea!" I️ said and dropped my lacrosse bag onto the ground.

"Okay, could you come here for a second please?"

I️ walked to where I️ heard her voice. She was in the kitchen. My dad was stood next to her, a look of excitement plastered on his face.


"Your father has something to give you!" My mom smiled wide.

"What is it?"

My dad passed me a card and told me to open it. I️ slowly did and read the card, "No way."

"You did not! Oh my god thank you!" I️ said and hugged the both of them.

"Not only that, but it's tonight! So you, your mother, and I️ are going to go while your sister is on her date!"

"I️ can't wait!"

The Unexpected Zodiac (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now