Liam silently walked out of the room as he didn't want to ruin the fatherly daughter moment between the two, and he let a small smile fall across his face when he realised Lauren wasn't all that alone as he thought she was when he was in jail, she had Travis, her real dad. Their father that Liam and Lauren shared was just a sperm donator, Travis was a real dad to Lauren and he was glad so.

He ignored the stares he got from the young, female nurses and he walked towards a room on a different floor. Liam held his breath as he entered the room, his heart dropping when he saw the same thing for the last two weeks.

''So, are you going to tell me her name now?'' Liam asked Lauren as they sat next together in one of the hospital rooms the next day. The beeping of the machines and the slow sound of the ventilator kept Lauren and Liam out of the silence, a constant reminder that not everything was so great in their lives at the moment.

''Nope.'' Lauren mumbled, she had specifically made sure that the name of her baby girl was not given to Liam. It was going to be a surprise, but for that surprise to be revealed a certain someone was going to have to get better first.

Liam pouted and silently sulked in his chair across from Laurens on the opposite side of the bed. He sighed when his tactic of making Lauren reveal the name by pretending to be upset with her didn't work, and all she did was grin at him before reaching forward and grabbing the hand of the occupant of the bed.


After Liam realised he wasn't breathing he ran into the hospital with Sebastian limp in his arms calling for help, he felt bad that he left Lauren out in the car park but she was just being too slow. The doctors and nurses immediately set to helping Sebastian and after managing to successfully get his heart to start beating again, they worked on blood transfusions and many other things Lauren and Liam couldn't understand to make him better again.

All they had to do now was wait for him to wake up.

Doctors told the siblings that it was a miracle he had managed to survive, and it was going to take another miracle for him to wake up. But, the brother and sister wasn't giving up hope, Sebastian had made it this far he wasn't going to give up now.

Lauren smiled at the photo she had stuck to railing of his bed, next to his head to the first thing he would see was his little girl. She had gotten it printed out straight away, along with a few other photo's she had already taken and stuck one to his bed, putting the others in the photo album she had gotten especially for their baby's photos that Liam had brought back for her,  along with a few other things. 

''I've got to go.'' Liam stood up, looking down at Sebastian with a pained expression when he saw him, like he had been for the last two weeks, covered in tubes.

''Wha- Why?'' Lauren asked, looking up from Sebastian and her own connected hands to her brother.

''The gang doesn't run itself you know? Whilst Sebastian’s out I've taken over temporarily until he can run it. I'll be glad when he wakes up, it's wearing me out already.'' Liam muttered, half meaning his last words. That wasn't the only reason he wanted his best friend awake and well, but it was one of them. Sebastian was made to run a gang, he knew everything there was to it. Liam, however, didn't. And it was a miracle it was still running.

''Oh. Well, see you then.'' Lauren frowned, finally realising the dark circles under Liam’s eyes and the weariness to him. Two weeks had done that to him, she wondered what it would do if Sebastian didn't wake up soon. She knew he'd have to get better, but at least he would be able to help Liam though.

Liam left and Lauren sat back in her chair in silence, absentmindedly listening to the beeping of the machines. She was growing tired, the stress of her baby in the NICU and Sebastian being in a comatose state had taken it out of her.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now