Chapter Four- Edited.

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As Lauren walked into the kitchen to get some drinks for herself and Sebastian, she grew nervous. It was too early for her liking to talk with her child's father, but she knew it was best to talk now and deal with it all later, that way there can be an understanding between the two about what's going to happen.

Her hands shook as she filled the two glasses with water, and Lauren wondered if she could just run out the back door of her house and never look back. She knew there was a lot to say but she just wasn't ready, although, she knew if she sorted it out now then she'd feel more at peace with her situation. Sebastian had been on her mind every second of the day, and even at night when she was asleep, ever since she was pregnant.

Actually, he had been on her mind for longer than that. 

Ever since they shared that night together Lauren couldn't forget it. She didn't particularly remember him, but she remembered his touch, the feeling of his bare skin against her own naked body. And it wasn't until she bumped into him in the alley way that she got more of a clearer view of him in her mind, that the constant wondering of how he really looked like was put to rest and her mind didn't do him justice. Her being sober and him in the light, he was even more handsome than she remembered.

Not a single flaw marked his skin, unlike hers where she had scars across her back and a couple on her face from her parents brutality. His hair was soft and looked alive, where as Lauren's was messy and flat with no life to it. The white shirt he was wearing today made his lightly tanned skin look even darker and more alluring, making the muscles in his arms looking even more defined and toned. The tightness of it showed the outline of his nicely, not overly toned stomach and chest that Lauren had the pleasure of running her hands all over. Something which she found herself wanting to do again, and again, and again.

''Are you going to stare all day or are we actually going to do what I came here to do?'' Lauren snapped out of her little daze and realised she was now stood in the living room doorway facing Sebastian, who was now sat on the sofa staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

Is it too late to run? Lauren thought, and her eyes flickered to the left where the doorway to the kitchen was that showed the backdoor faintly, making Lauren realise she was just being stupid. She was pregnant now and going to be a mother, she needed to mature up and face her problems.

A faint blush dusted Lauren's make-up free cheeks as she walked forward, placing Sebastian's water on the table in front of the sofa before she placed down her own. She sat in the corner of her sofa as Sebastian sat in the other, and she faced whim with a deep breath.

''So, what did you want to talk about then?''

''You know what I want to talk about.'' Sebastian replied before standing up, making Lauren look up at him in confusion. ''I'll be right back, I forgot something in my car.'' 

Before she could reply Sebastian walked out the door. Lauren slumped back in her seat with a sigh, even though they haven't talked about anything she still felt drained. She hadn't thought about Sebastian's part in the whole of this if she was honest, other than the fact that he was the father she hadn't thought what she wanted him to do, or what he could do.

He could tell her to get rid of it. He could tell her he'd be there for her and the baby. He could tell her he wanted nothing to do with it. There was endless possibilities that was making Lauren dizzy with trying to decided which one she hoped for him to do.

''You dropped this yesterday.'' Sebastian's voice broke Lauren out of her thoughts and she looked up to see him place a bag in her lap. Her bag. She had totally forgotten to go back and get it, it had her purse with everything she needed in it, her books, her scan. She couldn't believe she actually forgot it.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now