Chapter 3✅💋➕

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World Exposition Fair🗝🎖

Steve and Bucky walk into the Exposition with the girls waiting a little ahead of them, Bucky jokes, "I don't see what the problem is. You're about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know, there's three and a half million women here."

Steve with his hands in his pants pockets, looking at Lizzie as she stands with Genevieve laughing at what she said, "Well, I'd settle for just one." (Lizzie and Genevieve Outfits, Same As Chapt 2)

Bucky tells him, "Good thing we both took care of that... awhile ago." He smiles and waves to the girls as they look over at them.

Steve looks at Lizzie lovingly, feeling very lucky that he has her more than a friend. He loved her since they were children.

Bucky looks at Genevieve, like he can't believe that he would ever have a woman like her in his life. The music starts playing in the background. The boys reach the girls and they walk through out the event, looking at what's in display and see ahead that a show is starting.

Lizzie excited, holding Steve's left hand in her right, "It's starting!" She pushes Bucky and Genevieve forward to move closer and they smile at how excited she is. They walk towards the stage with a car on it with show ladies around it.

The announcer-Mandy, announces to the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark." The crowd claps for Howard and he enters the stage smiling, taking off his top hat; like what the ladies on stage are wearing and gives it to Mandy and kisses her, pulls away smirking and takes the microphone, then he takes out a tissue to wipe the red lipstick off his lips that Mandy left.

Howard speaks to the audience at the World Exposition Fair, "Ladies and gentlemen,-" All four of them stand with the crowd, Bucky stands behind Genevieve with his arms around her waist holding her close and Steve beside Lizzie on her right and offers her popcorn that he got when they were walking around and she smiles at him and takes a few, even though he is mood is a little down, he still gives her a loving peck on her cheek and her smile grows bigger and eats her popcorn. Howard continues, "-What if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all." The female helpers on stage, takes the wheels of the car on stage, Mandy walks past him with a wheel in hand, "Yes. Thanks, Mandy." He addresses to the audience again, "With Stark robotic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that." He turns on the switch of his control panel machine and the car starts to hover off the ground and the four and the crowd looks astonished at that.

Bucky also stunned like everyone else, "Holy cow."

The part's that's making the car hover suddenly malfunction and the car falls back down on stage, Howard a bit embarrassed but covers it up and smiles nervously to the crowd and tells them, "I did say a few years, didn't I?" The crowd laughs at what he said and claps at his invention, even if it broke down. Steve looks behind him and sees an enlistment stand. Howard chuckles nervously, still smiling, playing his part to the crowd.

Bucky turns and says, "Hey Steve. Why don't we treat the girls and-" He cuts himself off when he sees Steve has disappeared. Bucky taps both the girls and they turn also see that Steve disappeared, Lizzie sighs sadly, knowing what he's doing.

In the recruitment center, a man stands on a mat that turns on a light so you can see yourself 'dressed' like a soldier in front on him, a picture on the wall almost like a mirror and can see your self look like a soldier, the man's girlfriend drags him away and Steve steps up, looks at himself as a soldier in the mirror but his head doesn't fit meaning he's not tall enough.

Bucky taps him, "Come on, your kind of missin the whole point of a double date." Steve turns to see Bucky, Genevieve and Lizzie.

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