Chapter 5: Condeluded conections

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Hope..... aspiration, ambition, deceitful. Hope is a stipulation of the Light, the expectation of personal gain, only invoking a lustful desire of greed. Hope is the corruption of the mind, and yet hope is all we can maintain. Desire towards a better time is exactly what drives soldiers to fight, to fight for a better tomorrow, to fight...... for justice against the Darkness.

The newly acquired Arcadia Jumpship, penetrated the atmosphere of the habitable Jovian moon blindingly, after its takeoff. The Guardian and his Ghost were actively present in the cockpit of the ship, gazing at the vast reaches of space after reacclimatising to the warm and welcoming atmosphere of a ship.

The Warlock felt..... comfortable. There was no looming threat of death, seemingly no danger on the horizon, and resoundingly no bullets being fired in his general direction. Peace..... this is what rest finally feels like.

Boring.... dull, even. 'What is the purpose of being a soldier if you're not fighting?' The Guardian pondered this thought, beginning to crave a threat of danger as it gave him purpose. Is that not what everyone seeks in life? Their purpose in society, their contribution to the world, their....... meaning.

The ship thrusted into hyper-space, this time in a controllable manner, and the Warlock set the trajectory for Earth.

The journey lasted merely ten minutes, those of which not a word was spoken between the pair. Silence engulfed their mind and robotic crypt, respectively, and allowed them to escape from the horrors they had experienced over the last couple of clicks.

"Ghost?" Asked the Guardian softly.

"Yes Guardian, what do you ask of me?" Replied Ghost, pledging its allegiance to whatever question the Guardian may ask.

"What is my name?" The Guardian asked, the question being one he should have asked hours ago, but had not found the peaceful reprieve in which to do so yet.

Ghost sighed, and paused briefly. "Your name is Juno..... Juno Crow, you were a scientist studying Golden Age human colonisation projects and leading inquisitions into the nature of the Traveller. I should have told you this sooner." Ghost muttered regretfully.

The Guardian breathed deeply, and sighed in an attempt to regain composure and ask another question. "My parents? Who were they?".

"No information Guardian, I'm sorry. Whoever they were, giving you a girls name like Juno was cruel." Ghost replied extremely quickly, as if it was trying to disclose some form of information that would deter the thoughts of his companion.

"Shut up Ghost! Why don't I remember them Ghost?" Catechised the Guardian as an attempt to unravel the truth about his past, and remember vital events from before his reclamation of life.

Ghost hesitated to even speak; "I've heard from other Guardians Ghost's that subjects experience memory loss and other similar side-effects upon their primordial revival, they only remember slight references from the past. Strange... very strange, don't you think?" Queried the Ghost inquisitively.

Juno did not respond, the ship unanticipatedly froze out of hyper-space, stopping in front of the beautiful resting planet, proceeding to thrust Juno forward. The Guardian gazed at the white spherical object that seemed to float above a small collection of land. Sulphuric specks of light, seemed to shimmer off of the sentient beings base, seemingly shielding the minute mass of land.... but what from?

This is the Traveller!

The colossal sentient spheroid remained dormant in its tenure above the City beneath its hollow base. A large chunk of the Traveller was missing, torn off of its anatomy, leaving the 'being' severely wounded.

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