Chapter 3: Greed lies deep within...

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Greed....... craving, indulgence, selfishness. The overwhelming desire to dabble in heinous acts, for beneficial lust, insighting over-indulgence in selfishness. Selfishness prompts the beast in man, the true evil that resides in corruption. Calamitous emotions such as these, are precisely the catalyst in a mortals transition from good to evil. Avoidance of greed is the only contrivance of ensuring morale safety from oppressive desires. Greed.... greed is the true evil in man.

With the left-wing decaying in the confines of space, and the destruction of the hyper-drive, the Guardian's newly acquired Arcadia-class Jumpship was accelerating furiously, seemingly unlocking the ability to shatter the restrictions of normal space travel, through the means of hyperspace.

The Guardian and his Ghost had seemingly earned a brief reprieve in their escape of the Fallen Archon, that was enthralled in the yellow iridescence of the Fallen House of Devils. With the brief occasion of safety, a bemusing silence descended amongst the warrior and his minute companion.

The Guardian, perceivably frustrated with the damaged and deteriorating armour that was weighing down on him, removed the burden of the old vestments, exposing his entire face to the undeniable beauty of space outside the window of the ship.

The ship elapsed through hyperspace, with the hyper-drive slowly deciding a locality in the solar-system to wreck into, silence remaining ever-lasting between the Warlock and the droid, as they resided in the control room, the blinking lights of the ship, seemingly discombobulating the drone forcing his cycloptic eye to manically scour the interior of the ship.

Suddenly, a deafening drone rung out amongst the interior of the deteriorating ship, that persisted to knock the composure of the Guardian, consuming his thoughts with fear and despair.

The Warlock gazed at his Ghost, enquiring the purport of the cacophony that continued to drone on, merely without uttering a word. "Oh that's not good." Stated the Ghost, in a worried tone.

"Why can't we ever catch a break?" Sighed the Guardian. "Well....." uttered the Ghost about to commence into a sarcastic speech, when it was prevented by the furious Guardian. "Shut up! Do you have any idea what a rhetorical question is?".

"Well....." said the Ghost. "SHUT THE F**K UP! That was rhetorical too!" Screamed the Warlock, infuriated by the Ghost's lack of comprehension towards human natures and intricacies.

Ghost chuckled at his Guardian, seemingly glowing red with frustration; "My my, someone has a temper, and by the way that alarm is the crash warning. Luckily the ships going to slow down from hyperspace and we are going to land." Explained the Ghost.

"Well that's good news." Said the Guardian seemingly unaware of what could arise in the wake of their collision.

"Not necessarily Guardian, we could crash anywhere, in or out of our solar-system. We could survive the crash, that is if the ship doesn't burn out in the atmosphere of whatever rogue rock we crash into. By my calculations Guardian, through the time we've been travelling, we're going to end up near Jupiter." The Ghost stated, fearful of what may reside near the dormant gas giant.

"Europa, Ganymede, and Io...... the last habitats the Traveller blessed with its light." Ghost informed his Guardian; "Not that we can choose where we crash so it doesn't really matter."

"Nice pep talk." The Guardian convulsed, muttering in a joking tone.

The ship seemingly froze out of hyperspace, the droning cacophony persisting to pester the Guardian's ears, but the speed of the ship massively declined, avowing the Warlocks muscles to relax, professedly for the first time since his revival.

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