Chapter 9: Harley

Start from the beginning

We made it to Karter's house, Harley quickly took off her shoes and ran away somewhere. I looked around at the place. It was a lot smaller than our home, a little messy with Harley's toys everywhere, but it was warm and cozy.

"It's not much, but it's home," Karter said beside me. I snuck a look at him to find him looking sort of shy.

"I love it," I smiled encouragingly. "There's evidence of life here."

Karter chuckled. "Your house doesn't have life?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It feels empty at times."

With Jared either out with his friends or at football practice and my parents always at work, my house felt empty.

He gave me a sympathetic look, but seemed to be more comfortable with me in his home.

"Harley!" Karter yelled for his sister. She came running to us holding a Barbie in her hand. "Livia is going to take care of you while I'm gone. Remember, you eat all your vegetables, no playing until your homework is done, and you better be in your bed by eight. And please don't give Livia a hard time."

I thanked Karter mentally not sure what to do with her. He turned to look at me. "Use whatever you want in the kitchen for dinner and only two snacks no matter how much she begs you, you don't need to clean anything I will do that when I come back. She's usually well behaved but call me if anything goes wrong."

He seemed like a worried parent. Speaking of... where were his parents?

He put out his hand so I could give him my phone. He put his number into my phone, he still looked worried despite all his rules.

"Karter, chill. Stop looking so worried," I tried to put him at ease. "By tonight Harley and I will be best friends."

Harley let out a little excited whoop. Karter smiled at his sister before nodding his head.

"Thanks again Livia, I owe you," he said earnestly.

"Friends don't owe each other anything, now get going you are limiting our girl time," I motioned for the door. Harley was giggling at that.

Karter bent down and kissed his sister on her forehead. "Behave."

She nodded giving him a toothless smile.

He stood up and gave me one last thankful look before leaving to his job.

And then there was two. Harley quickly grabbed my hand and started to drag me. "Come! You have to see my room!"

I followed her upstairs to the door with pink glittery letters spelling out her name and purple ones spelling Madeline's. They shared a room, on one end was Madeline's side with a few cheerleading medals hung, and on the other side was an invasion of pink and toys upon toys. Harley pulled out all her toys and started telling me their names. Despite Karter's rules of doing work before play, we had a tea party with her toys. Harley had worn a pink tutu over her overalls and put a crown on my head. I was Princess Livia of the land of gummy-bears and she was my sister who had the powers of making flowers bloom. Harley had a vivid imagination, it was entertaining to just watch her play and talk. She was a funny kid.

"Livia I'm hungry," she said rubbing her grumbling tummy... well... I really did not know how to cook for my life.

I went to the kitchen rummaging through the cupboards. I found a box of kraft dinner. Yes! This should be easy! Jared always said this was the easiest to make.

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