6; Bad Boy's Own Mistake

Start from the beginning

Hunter looked utterly amused. "Hot."

"Wait, really? You think I'm hot?"

Hunter leaned forward and rested his crossed arms on Serena's table. "Are you into threesomes?"

Serena's eyes widened. "Depends with who."

"I don't know." He shrugged before staring straight at me. "Perhaps Leah." He joked.

Serena laughed with delight. "Leah, we should totally do it."

I scrunched my nose in disgust but Hunter only stared at me with his lips pursed, obviously trying not to laugh. I didn't bother replying before rotating myself so my back was facing them. I don't think I can ever see Serena the same way. The worst part is the fact that I have no idea if she was joking. Knowing Serena, she probably wasn't. Absurd is her middle name.

"Leah!" My leg twitches with surprise when someone calls out my name from the distance.

"Kaylin. I thought you went home." She shakes the rain out of her hair and wipes her face with the sleeve of her turquoise jacket.

She sits down next to me."Nope. I had to stay back and help the dance club clean the hall for Monday's concert. Why are you here so late?"


Kaylin gasps, dramatically covering her mouth with her hands. She smiles smugly. "That's a first," she says after taking her hands away from her face. "What'd you do? Shag Hunter in the janitor room?"

"Gross. I'd rather lick the school's toilet seat than shag that asshole."

Kaylin only raises her eyebrows at me teasingly. "First off, with the number of bimbos at our school, you would get STD from licking the school toilet seat. Secondly, everyone wants to shag Hunter Kings. Come on, we're talking about Hunter Kings. His family is probably related to David Beckham's family. A lot of people call him Hunter Beckham."

The rain seems to die down for a while, droplets now coming so lightly you can barely hear the patter on the bus stop roof. "No one calls him Hunter Beckham."

"Okay, true, but still. He's freaking gorgeous. There are two types of people in the world, Leah."

I hum to indicate that I'm listening. "Ones who want to be with Hunter."

"So no one."

"And those who want to be him."

I lean my head back against the glass wall of the bus stop. "Impossible. No one wants to be any of those."

Luckily for me, my bus arrives just in time to sweep me away from all of Kaylin's incoming complaints on how wrong I am.

The bus halts to a stop in front of me. The door opens and I step onto the bus right away, not in the mood to hear Kaylin's talk about Hunter. After swiping my bus card on the card reader I take a seat by the window, noticing how irritated Kaylin looks when I wave at her tauntingly. The bus is just about to lurch forward when I see her pointing her middle finger up at me.

The blonde girls in front of me snicker under their breath when they see Kaylin's gesture. I grit my teeth, narrowing my eyes at her daringly. She flashes me a sarcastic smile, her nose scrunching a little. The bus abruptly rams forward onto the road before I can do anything else. I turn in my seat, my body now facing the front again.

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