The Fight Begins

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It had been a week since they declared they were going to go back to being B.A.P and they were making great progress. Jongup was with Youngjae, Daehyun and Junhong at this very moment. The two continue in helping the elders get back into singing shape. They practiced old dance moved to get back into the groove. They were getting better after a week of hard work. The group of them were coming along great. They kept getting better and better the more they worked. Jongup wondered how Himchan was getting along in getting a way to get their group's title from the company that got rid of them. He visited Yongguk in the recording studio room to see how he was doing. He was working harder than the rest of them so then they would have music to use for their comeback. Each of them were working their hardest and they were going to get what they deserved when they first got started. Even if that meant working so hard to exhaustion. They were going to get to come back. And they will fight for their comeback.

At the moment, Youngjae and Daehyun were resting a little, which they needed. They have been working hard for the week and it was slowly causing them to be exhausted. It was hurting Daehyun and Youngjae. Jongup was standing against one of the tables inside the practice room that they were in. Junhong on the other hand, was checking on their hyungs. Jongup and Junhong were worried they were pushing Youngjae and Daehyun too far. It wasn't Hard for them to do that with the elders. Jongup and Junhong were in shape compared to the other two.

"You alright, hyungs?" Junhong asked the two that were getting sleepy on the couch.

"Yeah. Just a little tired," Daehyun told the younger. Junhong just nodded.

"Can I get you two anything, im going to get a bottle of water," Jongup asked them.

"Water, please and thank you, Jongup," Youngjae told the younger.

"Me too," Daehyun added.

"Alright I will be right back," Jongup told them and he left the practice room. He quickly made it down the hall to a water dispenser. The company gave free water bottles to the trainees as they practiced. That was something TS didn't do so that was one thing BH was doing for their trainees and groups. Once he got the water bottles he headed back to where the other three were. He stood in front of the door to the room they were using and so he opened the door and went inside. "I have returned with your waters."

"Thanks, Jongup," The other three said in unison as the young man handed them the water bottles.

"I really hope we get to go back to who we were before we lost it all," Daehyun told them after he had drunk some of the water.

"So do I, Dae," Youngjae added.

"I wonder how Yongguk and Himchan are getting through with what they needed," said the maknae.

"I hope they have it figured out soon," Jongup replied with a determined look on his face. He couldn't help but think about how strained Himchan is every night he comes home with all this work ahead of them all.

"Everything will be fine and we will be singing for the Babyz once again soon enough," Youngjae replied with a smile.

"Should we practice a little more?" Junhong asked the two hyungs.

"if we want to get better at it I would suggest that we should until Youngjae and I are better at our old life," Daehyun answered. And so the four started to get ready to practice when the intercom system was turned on.

"Will Jongup, Daehyun, Youngjae and Junhong come to Mr. Kim's office please," the intercom said. Jongup knew it was Himchan and so did the others. The four then left the room and made their way to Himchan's office.

The walk to his office was as boring as ever. The boring elevator music was driving them crazy. They could have done a better choice in music. They were in a music company for crying out loud. They then had to pass by rushing people. There were people going everywhere in BH Entertainment. The group still made it through to get to Himchan's office.

Once they got there and were inside, Himchan looked at the four of them and then back to the computer for a minute. Jongup studied his boyfriend's actions as the elder looked at the computer. He was tense as Jongup could tell. Another thing he noticed was the Himchan was stressed. But what was the elder stressed about? Was this all a bad idea of bringing back B.A.P? as soon as the four of them sat down, Yongguk entered the room and joined them all in Himchan's office.

"Did you come up with something, Himchan?" Yongguk asked.

"I did," Himchan answered. The younger members were all looking at Himchan waiting for his idea to be stated.

"And what is the idea?" Jongup asked the elder. Himchan looked at him and Jongup smiled causing the other to smile back.

"Well it involves a lawsuit but otherwise we can easily get our title back," Himchan explained and with that, the members rejoiced. They could be B.A.P once again. Yongguk was smiling his famous gummy smile to the other members he was truly happy. And so the preparation work. Himchan and the others worked on the lawsuit to get their title and each person contributed into the fight for their title. Nobody was letting their name be held on to by a very bad company. And with this the group brought the fighting to a who ne level. They were going to get B.A.P back even if it cost them everything.

"let's get this party started boys," Yongguk told them and they cheered. There was hope in getting their lives back.

"How is everything coming along, Yongguk?" Jongup asked their leader.

"Great the music is coming along nicely. Just need to get a few more done and then they would be ready for the lyrics department which Junhong wanted to do the lyrics for the songs," Yongguk answered while gesturing to the maknae of their group. They then turned their attention to Junhong.

"Can't I do something to help everybody out besides dancing?" the cute maknae asked them.

"It's fine Junhong. Just do your best alright," Himchan reassured the younger. Junhong smiled.

"I will try, Himchanhyung," Junhong replied with a huge smile. And with this, they were on the roadto coming back.

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