Part 7

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qute POV

i was with mama's  pearl, chocolates are in my hand, "there."  said as i toss a chocolate she catch it in her mouth. 

"there.. .there. .there here." from tosses and mouth catches of three more chocolate to a her eating off my hand. "this is good." mama's pearl said.  "this is low for you." i told her. 

2 hours of playing later.  

"i want to play."  i told mama and papa. "but the games" papa said. "yeah i got bored of that." i told him.

steven POV  

"remember Steven she reproduce differently then normal gems so she crave exercise." blue diamond said.

"what wrong with video games when i use to be a kid that how i spend most of my fun time." i told blue. "Qute would you like to play with me and pearl outside today." blue diamond asked of our child.

"yeah!" qute answered with her arms raze up "would you care to join us steven." blue diamond asked. "join us papa." 

"well alright." minutes later we got on the ship and fly  to area of a green grass land.

as the ship landed we head outside. "where are we exactly?" i asked. "i don't know i landed the ship on what look pleasant."

"okay well whatever work. you two go on and play i sit and watch until your done we'll figure a way back home okay." i said. "well if that's what you want." blue diamond responded. "is it alright to play even if its just the two of us." Qute hummed  a yes respond. 

they got far distance from me and pearl, the next thing i we see them rush to each other and they grip hand to hand in some combat. 

blue diamond then on let go of one  hand as she summoned a gauntlet, to throw a punch  at qute, but my daughter dodge and counter it by throwing her mother in the air.

 as qute brought her hand together to form a ball of light as she fired it like a beam at her mother who stop it with just her hand as it turn to white sparkles.

 but behind blue was like a hole in the sky as a peace of the night appeared behind her mother which does not seem physically possible.

with blue diamond blue ball  a beam of laser was fire across the the floor as qute dodge jump away from it as explosion were caused.

blue landed on her feet as they were face to face. "wait,wait wait!" i cried. "oh hey i thought were gonna watch." blue diamond said. 

"how can watch helplessly when you two were trying to kill each other?!" i shouted "don't be ridicules we were only ruff playing, though i can barely keep up with Qute" blue diamond answered. 

"you over exaggerated papa" Qute said. "shoot i am in a disadvantage now"i responded "oh i bet you want to play with us don't you Steven."  blue said to me. "you kill me!" i shouted.

as qute stretches her arms as she speak "its fun to move around in the field." "what was that do you pull it look like it was from an monster game" 

"that was exodia technique, obliterate but i went easy on mama" Qute answered "so what you can do dual monster technique."i said. 

"well if your going to play at least keep it humans stander." i told them. " what, but that was human stander." blue responded. "what?" i responded "huh?" blue responded.

" humans we're capable doing stuff we did." blue diamond said "since when blue? no humans are able to do what you do that dragon ball chip you did" i asked "that not true we saw it on t.v." blue answered. 

"what you saw was fiction not reality." the gems gasped. "i am sorry for crushing your dreams." i told them. "well at least try playing at human children standard." i told them.

"well there you have it Qute lets try at the standard that children usually act."  blue said. "okay." qute responded.(diamonds and their gems i seen it a few times even in my child form, but its still terrifying, if they wanted too they can destroy worlds.) 

i see as they play it look harmless as they warble around. ( but blue she wouldn't do such a thing now that i think about she would keep pink diamond legacy alive as well as hers.) 

"that was fun!" blue diamond said. as they lie on their back as i join them. "how but we play word change, wendigo" "gorila" "hamster" we each take turn out in a patern of me then qute then blue's pearl and lastly blue till diamond lost the game. 

it was fun to play but we gotta get home so we went back to the ship and head to Greenland for blue to prepare a meal. 

it was rice with curry Dinosaur meat  i at all but the meat of my favorite creature. "agh your being rude you only left the dinosaur meat behind again" blue said 

"i told you i am against eating dinosaurs but if its ground meat then maybe i will not notice." Steven said. "but then you would not know if its a dinosaurs." blue responded

"why is so important." i told her. 

after the conversation I was in my office working on the computer about the digital world and the A.I.L. monster for the up coming partner monster. 

"Steven." it was blue diamond that open the door. "please don't peak into the kitchen Until i am done... ..thank you."  she told me then close the door.

 "then open the door and look at a she cooking a dinosaur meat yet again. "hey." blue responded. "i will never eat dinosaurs!" i told

 blue responded with a wail. it was that day she finally decide to cook something else that is not dinosaur. but instead meat of a mammoths.  as the day pass to the next.

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