Part 5

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Qute POV

what they did last night was not a dream papa was shock but not angry. they decide to name me Qute carbon diamond.

 as pun name for I can make really cute faces and that I am a Q-carbon diamond, I had to search it up in the internet.

I was walking in the street to with my parents i had to learn of this beautiful yet cruel and dying world.

 we had to do something called shopping things like buy to obtain food and ingredients since mama blow up a place in the house called a kitchen.

" really blue what would make you think a kitchen fire was good plan." papa said. "it was out of excitement of having child Steven it was more of instinct" mama said.

 "you know the stove make fire right?" papa asked of mama. "yes but out poor thought i didn't thought it would be strong enough." mama said.

"for what, blow up the kitchen? i worry you may be careless." papa said. papa look at mama when as smile "it will never happen again Steven" mama said. papa smile at that.

if mama made mistake i think there are a one time thing. as walk pass by a place called Inuit shopping district, mama stop at this.

 "Steven are we going to the shopping district?" mama asked. "you mean you don't go to the super market over there." papa said as he pointed the building at east.

"no that place give me willing like a gem going to attack me" mama said. "attack?" papa responded. 

"it give me bad memory of when crystal gems attack during the war." mama said. "how unfortunate." papa said.

 "the shopping district is better for mama." i told him. "so your mom shop base on gem PTSD good to know you wanna start by getting fish sweaty." papa said. i nodded.

"blue diamond whats up." papa was surprise. "good day Mr Ursa" mama greeted. to papa surprise he turn to mama.

 "you your normally out here alone, are these friends of yours?" the fish sells man asked. "no more like family." mama answered.

"hi there." papa greeted. "well you two make great couple, and a fine kid, we got some bass today at ninety percent off." the sales man said. "hmm, sound wonderful i take one bass and two mackerel." mama said.

"got it." as the man gave us the fish Mama bubble them and made them disappear. we notice he gave us a fish new fish as mama bubble it and made it disappear.

"he gave us a extra bass." papa said. "wasn't that nice of him?" mama asked. "why and how are you friends with a fishmonger?" papa asked.

 "well you taught me about humans you so i was just being nice to him and he be nice to me." mama answered.

Steven POV

the next spot was the same as we gotten stake and ribs with extra of them. it was seeing blue diamond greet the humans.

thoughts are in my head.(this diamond is as social as me, so this diamond who called humans primitive and inferior and what not, and yet she socializing like a champ maybe she don't see humans as animals at all.)

"sorry to keep you waiting Steven." Blue diamond said. "oh no its alright." as we walk our way in the district i feel curious.

(now that i think about it I rarely know her, and its bad as her boyfriend or husband maybe a father in this case to hardly know someone who your bound with as well as the kid you made with her, i would like to know more them.)

 I thought of i remember the dream of pink diamond death i share with blue it will be best not to bring it up.

"hey blue would you like to grab some desert too." i asked of her. "you mean it" blue asked of me. 

"sure its kind of our daughter birthday so we need to celebrate her birth." i told Blue diamond.

"in that case lets get some a muffin" blue diamond said. "cake." it was Qute who spoke it was her first words "aw your first word" blue responded. "i want cake." our daughter spoken a sentense.

"well it is your birthday lets head to the bakery." i told them.

we then head toward the bakery and bought in search of what cake to buy. "here we are what cake do you want?" blue diamond asked Qute.

Qute was about to point until a scream was heard.

 we look to are left. and saw a man stolen a purse from a women. "someone stop him please."

"do you mind? may i get him?" blue diamond asked "uh i don't no can you do it without any one knowing your an alien?"
"yes." blue diamond cheered with a thump up.

she spin gets in a stance "here i go." and with one step she crack the cement as she launch herself at full speed.

she caught up to the thief like teleport and with a single punch he drop to the ground as blue landed on her feet and brush her hair.

i was terrified that she didn't do it as she said, everyone stare at blue diamond. this cant be good i cried her name but instead of rioting mob it was a cheerful crowd as all go around her. 

"that's amazing" "your a superhero" these word from the crowd i heard. i exhale of relief "that couldn't been a problem." i said.

i then come up to and held her hand as we left with our daughter she wave goodbye to the people. as we walk home.

"uh. that was frightening Steven." blue said. "i was worry too... ...sorry i should've told you to hold back."i told her. "its fine Steven." blue diamond said. it was a small moment of silent until blue spoke.

"um Steven your hand." i notice her words and put small grip she gasped "you want to hold on a little longer?" i asked she answer yes.

as we head home i feel sorry for Qute though she was just walking with us so i hold her hand.

"Qute when we get home we'll celibate your birth." i told her she deliver adorable smile to me and to her mother as we smile back as we walk home.

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