Chapter XI ♥ Wounds

Start from the beginning

Still, now I had an excuse for not continuing the duet with him and that itself was a blessing in disguise. I also wouldn't have to see Anna, but now would I even be able to walk? For how long? Two weeks they said. I should be thankful that I didn't do anything else to worsen them, but two weeks was a long time to not be walking.

Her humanity returned to her, my mother looking at me with sad eyes as I cried. She sighed and came to sit beside me, taking me into her arms and I immediately began crying into her soft, comforting figure. She soothed my back.

"What happened, Mel?" she brought out my childish nickname, lowering her voice. I pressed myself closer to her.

"I got hurt," I answered hesitantly.

"What happened?"

"Someone hurt me. A boy," I sniffed.

"A boy? Did you know him?" I could hear her curiosity. I nodded, and it took me a while before answering.

"He was my boyfriend," I answered reluctantly.

"Boyfriend? Certainly not, you -" she stopped when she spotted my hard eyes and swallowed her fear. "So boyfriend you say? And he hurt you?" I nodded sadly. "How long have you two been seeing each other?" she instead asked. I sat back from her and wiped my tears onto the sheet.

"I've known him for five years, but we have gone out for three," at this the Queen's eyes went wide and her jaw fell.

"Five years! That is a long time to not have heard of somebody, Melanie," I sighed at her words and shook my head.

"I know you would never approve of a commoner," I admitted softly.

"So what happened?" she pressed, trying to keep her anger under control. I scoffed a little at the thought.

"We... he joined ballet with me and we were practicing for a duet but he became friends with the other dancers and he... he..." it was stifling, my heart clenching unwantedly. Why did I feel this way? After all that he did to me, after everything I said to him, why did I still care for him? He hurt me, so much...

"He cheated on you, didn't he?" hearing it come from another's mouth made it even worse. I didn't answer, only nodding. "Oh honey," she said softly, hugging me tightly as she offered support. "And how did that cause this entire hospital fiasco?"

"Because I got mad and hurt myself," I admitted, and she accepted the fact just as it was.

"And your hand?"

"I punched him in the face," never before had I heard my mother laugh as loudly and it caught me off guard.

"That's my girl!" she had a bright smile and it took a while for her to calm down. "That doesn't mean that you're not in trouble," she added as an afterthought.

"I figured," a heavy sigh escaped from my throat.

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The Tuesday after I was released there was quite the ruckus in the palace halls, but I did not necessarily care. I was tired and on medication, besides, my life could not get any worse than it already was. I was hiding from the world from under my sheets, only my handmaiden and my mother entering. The twins were stopped by my door guards as I didn't want to see them. Sure, I knew that they did not mean to hurt me, but that still didn't mean I was not upset with them.

I was left alone mostly, occasionally growing emotional when I thought of what happened the previous day. My mother had come in a few times to see how I was feeling or to comfort me, assuring that everything would go good. But each time I saw her, I felt as if she was hiding something from me. But I was tired so I didn't necessarily investigate it further.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Where stories live. Discover now