Yeah... I can see that... Dean licked his lips when Castiel's hand brushed against his dick, and he wasn't sure if the sudden wave of arousal he felt at that came from him or the angel at his side. His cock twitched expectantly beneath the touch nonetheless, and Dean sucked in a sharp intake of breath when Castiel's fingers began tracing the inside of his thigh.

Fuck, this had to be the strangest morning after he had ever experienced in his life. Not only was the naked person feeling him up a male angel, but also a male angel whom Dean currently shared a two-lane, mindreading connection with. At the moment he couldn't even decide if it was the sensation against his skin or his mind that was making his heart race and causing his blood to run hot in his veins

Of course, he had expected this entire day to be beyond awkward. Hell, he had counted on it, but instead, everything felt so laid back and normal, as if he had always woken up to rough, calloused hands roaming his body and low, gravelly words being whispered inside his head.

It was as if Castiel was the last piece of a puzzle that had been missing for ages, and now the image was finally complete, clear, and Dean found that there was absolutely nothing about this situation that made him feel uncomfortable, or even embarrassed.

So apparently he was gay for an angel. Damn it, at the moment he was technically married to an angel, and he knew that he should be freaking out about it, knew that freaking out had definitely been on the agenda less than twelve hours ago, but... right now he couldn't for the life of him remember why.

After all, since when had the prospects of morning sex and sleepy kisses ever been a reason to freak out?

He was ripped out of his building state of arousal, however, by a low buzzing originating from the floor on the other side of the room. Castiel's mind glowered annoyance at the sound when Dean's unspoken question was sourly answered that the interruption came from the cell phone residing inside Dean's jeans' pocket.

It's been doing that for almost an hour , the angel grumbled, the teasing flutter of his fingers never ceasing to move against Dean's skin.

"An hour ?" Dean asked incredulously, ignoring the disapproval of the angel's mind as he moved to regrettably untangle himself from the other's hands, legs and wings. The phone was his private one, and if that one was ringing he very much wanted to know why.

"It's only Bobby," Castiel objected as Dean stood up, pulled the sheet high around his waist and carefully padded through the chilly room – Cas had the natural body heat of a lit furnace, so it wasn't as if he'd need any covers anyway – carefully stepping over the broken glass on the floor until he could get a hold of his jeans and pull the buzzing cellphone out.

"The bigger reason to answer," he pointed out, just before flipping the cell open and bringing it to his ear. "Hi, Bobby," he greeted into the device, hearing Bobby snort loudly on the other side of the line in response.

"Well, look who finally decided to pick up. What the hell were you doing? I've been trying to get hold of you all day."

Dean ran a hand over his face, rubbing the last lingering traces of sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah, I was sleeping, didn't hear the phone... So what's up? Where are you?"

"I'm just north of Sioux City, close to Elk Point heading up 29. I'll be in Sioux Falls in just over an hour."

"Oh, so you're coming home?" Dean sent a wide-eyed stare over his shoulder at Castiel and then at the chaos that used to be Bobby's guest room. "That's great."

"Don't sound so thrilled," Bobby grumbled. "I'm just calling to tell you that I'm stopping by the supermarket on the way to buy some food, since I take it the two of you haven't left the house all week. Got any idea what we might need?"

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