》five - will he

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I just wanna make sure you're okay,
cause I don't need to know


she hated having to talk to her professors in person. it was only a minor thing, this time. she'd only have to be in her office ten minutes, tops.

she was pretty sure she looked homeless, but quite frankly, it was 7 am on a sunday. she couldnt care less.

she'd lived in new york for about 6 years now, and even still, couldn't hail a cab to save her life. eventually though, she managed to flag one down. she told the driver the address, and arrived at her university in roughly 10 minutes.

she weaved her way through the croud of people, finally finding her way to the elevator. she rarely had to go in in person, as she was doing school online, and had never really had the chance to explore the school.

her professor droned on for much longer than she expected, mentioning upcoming events, and the one thing that she'd luckily managed to forget.

next week was finals week.

"and i assume youve been studying for finals?" she raised her eyebrows at her.

she froze.

"uh, yeah, of course." she let out a nervous laugh. fuck.

"right," she could tell she saw right through her, "well, i think thats all, good luck, miss sakda."

she saluted poorly as she pushed the door open with my butt, quickly turning around.

but just her luck, she turned right into someone.

"violet?" she looked up and was met with blue eyes and a chisled face, belonging to none other than eric.

"holy shit, i didnt know you went here,"

"well, yeah, i do," she forced a smile, "but i do online school, so im rarely here in person."

"oh cool, well it was nice bumping into you!" he nodded and walked away.

"you too," she mumbled, not loud enough for anyone to hear.


the elevator stopped at the fifth floor and she could already hear the commotion coming from his apartment.

what the fuck were they doing?

she just sighed and unlocked the front door, discarding her backpack to the side somewhere.

she plopped down on the burgundy leather couch, which was something she got at goodwill for ten bucks, and turned on the tv. it was the only kind of luxury in her apartment, and she splurged a bit more than she could afford on it, but she needed something that wasnt from a thrift shop.

her couch felt uncomfortable and wrong. she was bored out of her mind, desperately trying to avoid the schoolwork she'd let pile up for long than preferred.

the banging and yelling droned on for much longer this time, and it was driving her insane.

she grabbed her computer, and opened google, hoping for some answers.

George went by lots of names, which was sort of an inside joke they had because he'd  have each of his teachers call him something different, george miller, joji kusunoki, joji miller, george kusunoki.

she decided to go with the name he used most, joji miller, just to see what would come up.

what she hardly expected, though, was a bunch of pictures, and a goddamn wikipedia page to come up.

"what the hell," she muttered to herself, scrolling through the google page.

eventually she came upon a video labeled 'vomit cake' and the thumbnail made her want to vomit in itself.

reluctantly she clicked the link, and braced herself for whatever this was supposed to be.

she was greeted by two men in chefs costumes, one she immediately recognized as george, though he was doing that dumb voice he used to do to make her laugh.

she had to click away from the video because she'd gagged at least twice, so she opted to scroll through the google page once more.

she got hit in the face with a memory of him mentioning a channel called dizastamusic or something of the sort, and to her luck, she scrolled down far enough and found it.

the last video uploaded was from a year ago, so obviously he didnt use the channel anymore.

she just sat back, with one of his oldest videos playing on my computer, with the soft sound of the rain accompanying it from outside. she reminisced over the days in senior year when they weren't fighting, and it occurred to her how much she missed him.

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