》three - dont let me down

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Darling I hope,
That you'll be here,
when I need you the most


"ugh," she groaned, staring at the three pages of the seven page essay she had to submit tomorrow morning. she'd considered dropping out, but she knew if she didnt finish college her father would be disappointed in her, and she'd receive a very upset phone call from her mother.

there were some questionable sounds coming from the hallway, that made her raise an eyebrow, but she reckoned it was the boys down the hall, doing whatever they do, again.

the giant thud on my door made her jump.

there were some voices, then a knock, of which of course she reluctantly answered.

"hey, uh, youre violet right?" the one with the accent looked like he was struggling until she realized the two were holding up a very drunk george.

"uh, yeah? why?" she raised an eyebrow.

"someone decided to go out and get fucking hammered, and he wont stop talking about you. wont even let us take him home." the taller one spoke, but he also looked like he was struggling.

"uh, yeah, here," she held her arm out and they gratefully handed him over. he was mumbling something in japanese. "you two can go home, i've dealt with him drunk before," the two shot a look at each other before returning their gaze to her.

"'im ian, by the way, that's max," the taller one, ian, spoke, and she nodded.

"im violet, but i guess you already knew that," she managed a small laugh.

the two closed the door for her, and she brought george over to the couch, of which he refused to sit down.

"you cant even hold yourself up, for fucks sake," she mumbled, trying her best to get him to sit. he was almost fully conscious, but he kept nearly falling over.

"for the love of god please sit down,"

eventually, she got him to sit, but she couldnt just leave him in her living room unsupervised, so she was forced to bring her computer in the living room and try to ignore his drunken speak, of which was a strange mix of Japanese and english.

"what'er you doing?" he slurred.

"writing," she didnt take her eyes off her computer screen.

"what'er you writing?"

"an essay,"

"an essay about what?"

"the fucking time space continuum, i dont fucking know," she frustratedly ran a hand through her hair and slammed her laptop shut.

she was aggravated with herself, she'd lost her train of thought. he'd lost her train of thought. 

she looked up at the clock on her wall.

12:27 am

she hadnt had anything to eat since this morning.

"hey, uh, im gonna order chinese."

he stared at her blankly.

she still remembered what hed order when they were studying late for finals, and she'd hoped it was still what he liked.

she could hear her voice tremble as she spoke to the man on the other end of the phone, she'd been ordering for herself for who knows how long and yet she still couldn't get through an order without stuttering.

"food should be here in about 20 minutes," she looked down at the laptop that she abandoned, resting in the seat she was sat in less that ten minutes ago.

she just sighed, and rolled up the sleeves of her hoodie.

he reached out and wrapped his fingers around her wrist and brought it closer to him. she was confused at first, but quickly realized she was wearing the bracelet he bought her for her birthday junior year.

the only charms she hadnt lost were their initials.

he looked confused for a moment, "you still have it?"

she nodded.

she'd turned on some music, at a really low volume. she quietly hummed along with certain songs, until there was a knock at the door.

she paused the music and went to go pay the man that brought the food.

she sat the bag on the coffee table, and realized george was asleep.


she grabbed some things from the linen closet outside her bedroom, and draped a blanket over his sleeping form.

she pulled his food out of the bag, and set it on the table, rummaging through her backpack to find a pen so she could write his name on it, so if he left before she woke up in the morning he'd know it was his.

she resumed the music, and somehow regained her train of thought.

she fell asleep sometime after 2am, lulled by the soft snored coming from her living room. 

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