Silent As a Cloud

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Psalm 28:1-9

The last chapter, Psalm 27, ended with "Waiting on the Lord". Psalm 28 finds David still waiting on God; but remember he has "Hope" for we discovered Wait in Hebrew is "Hope".

Without further comment, David said in Psalm 28:1-3-(NKJV)-"To You will I cry, O Lord my Rock:". (Read Psalm 91:1-2; 27:5 and see David's fortress where David was abiding. "...Under the shadow of the Almighty...his refuge and...fortress;"). David said, "Do not be silent to me. Lest if You become silent to me I become like those who go down to the pit." (Read Psalms 22:1; 35:22; 39:12; and 83:1). David always waited on God when he felt the Silence as a Cloud overwhelming him. Next David perceives the grave as the pit. (Read Psalm 13:3; 88:4; 138:2; and 143:7). David did not fear death but he did not want his enemies to feel they had won over him by causing his death. He trusted God to be his Rock, Shield, and Fortress.

He pleaded, "Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to You, when I lift up my hands toward Your Holy Sanctuary." (Read Psalms 5:7 which shows David's devotion to God; 134:2 reveals the method of worship that God had set for Israel's worship in the Old Testament; 1 Timothy 2:8 carries God's method on into the New Testament. He said, "Lift up Holy hands.."). It seems God still wants to see our submission by lifting up our hands in praise.

David said in Psalm 28:4-5-(CEB)-"Don't drag me off with the wicked and those who do evil,". David wants God to recognize and acknowledge whose side he is on. He is a worshiper of God not one of those evil ones. (Psalm 6:3 reveals how disturbed David was- "My soul is greatly troubled; But You, O Lord- how long?"; David knew these evil ones would not acknowledge the facts of Psalm 4:3-"But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself Him who is Godly; the Lord will hear when I call to Him.") However David said of the wicked men, they are "the type who talk nice to their friends while evil thoughts are in their hearts!" (Read Psalms 12:2; 55:21; 62:4)

David strongly quotes what he knew God already said about men who do not follow Him:

1. "Pay them back for what they've done!" (Revelations 18:6; 22:12-"And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give everyone according to his work."

2. "Pay them back for their evil deeds!" (Isaiah 5:14)

3. "Give them back exactly what they deserve!"

David knew from what happened to those who defied God, so this was not just a personal vengeance but a prophetic statement of reality in the end time. We reap what we sow! (Galatians 6:7-8; Job 4:8-"Even as I have seen those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same,")

David replied in Psalm 28:6-7-(TLB)-"Oh, Praise the Lord, for He listened to my pleadings! He is my Strength, and my Shield from every danger. I trusted in Him and He helped me." (Remember Psalms 18:2; 69:17; and 112:1-8). David shouts out, "Joy rises in my heart until I burst out in songs of praise to Him." (Read Psalms 59:17; 13:6; and 138:1)

After all is said and done, David recalled his days when he cared for his father's sheep. In Psalm 28:8-9-(TEV)-he concludes with, "The Lord":

1. "PROTECTS His People;". (He is their Sanctuary, their Place of Refuge and Safety)

2. "HE DEFENDS THEM, (He becomes a Shield for us and a Fortress against the enemy)

3. HE "SAVES HIS CHOSEN KING." (Defense plus Salvation =VICTORY)

4. "SAVE YOUR PEOPLE, LORD,". (HE LEADS US if we follow Him!)



"THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT..."- Psalm 23:1. The Shepherd started his day with his sheep, fed them, took care of their bruises and wounds, protected them from animals who sought them for prey, found water holes for them where the water was calm, played music for them, and guarded in front of the sheep fold all night. He was their complete caregiver! They depended on him! How grateful we are for God's loving, protective care as we follow in His footsteps! Forever!

Next time...

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