Psalms In My Palms : LAMENT

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     The title for Book 4 is LAMENT from the Psalms In My Palms. Remember these are the chapters in Psalms which deal with everyday things that we are all affected by. The author of these chapters shared his feelings in each included Psalm.

      LAMENT in Roget's Thesaurus expresses it as "Badness". Although under that title he lists points which we recognize and have experienced at one time or another. They are-"snake in the grass, skeleton in the closet, thorn in the side, annoyances, painfulness, ill-treatment, abuse, oppression, persecution, outrage, hurt, grief, trampled on, maltreated," and the list is extremely long. Whatever you feel that upsets or angers you in spite of your innocence in the occasion is something we LAMENT over. We feel "victimized".

     There is a book called, "Out of the Depths". It suggests there is "therefore a cry out of the depths (which) resolves into a statement of confidence." Psalm 130:7 says, "O Israel, hope in Yahweh! For with Yahweh there is steadfast love, and with Him is plenteous redemption." Exodus 3:7-8 says, "I have seen the affliction of My people...and have heard their cry...I know their sufferings and have come down to deliver them...and bring them a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey...". Luke 1:51-55 we find Mary praising God who exalts the humble, and provides food for the hungry, and helps his servant in mercy.

     This is where we begin to understand LAMENT. It brings us closer to God and develops action when it is addressed to Him. Not to those around us! Welcome to LAMENT of the Psalms In My Palms- Book 4.

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