Set It To Music!

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Psalms 3-6

Before we begin, please read 2 Samuel 15:13-17 to understand David's situation when he wrote this Psalm of LAMENT. Having lost his throne to his son, Absolom, by deceit and treachery, David, grief stricken, was headed for his retreat with his family and only what they could carry. There in front of him was Shimei from the House of Saul. He started cursing David and throwing stones at him and at David's servants. (In 2 Samuel 16:5-8 we read of this event.) The accusations were painful to David since they were not true. David's servants wanted to cut off Shimei's head but David intervened and stopped them. In 2 Samuel 16:10 b-13, Shimei accused David of killing Saul, but David rode on by while Shimei continued to throw stones and dust at them.

So David begins his LAMENT in Psalm 3:1-2-(TLB)-"O Lord, so many are against me. So many seek to harm me. I have so many enemies. So many say that God will never help me." (NKJV)-they say, "There is no help for him in God. Selah". Well, that's hardly encouraging to a person in need and is far from the truth.! The word, Selah means, according to NKJV notes, a "musical term indicating a pause in lyrics for a musical interlude. One meaning suggests an "Amen" in agreement with what has just been said. Another calls it an "As it is, so let it be". One meaning is "think about it" or "hang it" as in "weighing it out". Any of these are acceptable, however I like the thought of testing it out and agreeing if it does not contradict the Word of God.

David continued in Psalm 3:3-4 with (TEV)-"BUT YOU, LORD, ALWAYS SHIELD ME FROM DANGER; ". In spite of so many against him, David knows "BUT YOU, LORD...". That should be our answer to all our adversaries! "Lord give me victory and give me courage. (Read Psalm 27:6) Faith in God is our shield of defense (Read Psalms 5:12 as it carries out the same thought; 28:7 refers to the shield which produces a rejoicing with song.). "I call to the Lord for help, and from His sacred hill He answers me. Selah". (Read Psalms 4:3; 34:4; 15:1; 43:3. Theses all explain the sacred hill David refers to.).

Psalm 3:5-6 David shows what privileges he receives from God in the midst of troubles, (CEB)-"I lie down, sleep, and wake up because the Lord helps me. I won't be afraid of thousands of people surrounding me on all sides." Laying down, sleeping, and waking up unharmed while 1000's wait to hurt us are three miracles from God! (Read Leviticus 26:6a -" You shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid..."; Psalms 23:4; 27:3; 118:6) These are precious promises for anyone at any time, no matter what age or circumstances! This was my prayer for safety in surgery that I went through in 1975.

I have chosen to cover Psalms 3-6 in this part of my book because they overlap in thought and content. Psalm 4:1-8 basically has three thoughts. Verse 1 begins with, (TLB)-"O God, You have declared me perfect in Your eyes." ( NKJV)-"O God of my righteousness"). "You have always cared for me in distress; now hear me as I call again. ( and again). Have mercy on me. Hear my prayer." There isn't much explanation needed here as it is evident that David is crying out for help. "Hear my prayer" is a cry for help-"listen up, Lord! I'm calling again!" Is my cry.

Verses 2-5 of Psalm 4 shows David turning the insults over into an invitation for the offenders to accept God:

1. "How long will you men insult me?" (Read Psalm 13:1-2)

2. "How long will you love what is worthless and go after what is false?"

3. "Remember that the Lord has chosen me to be His own," (Read 2 Timothy 2:19-"God knows His own")

4. "And hears me when I call to Him."

5. "Be afraid and stop your sinning." (Read Psalm 67)

Psalms In My Palms - Book 4 - LamentWhere stories live. Discover now