Chapter 23

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I got ready for my romantic evening. I could practically hear the lovey-doveyness ringing and singing in my ears. I paced back and forth the room  Ed and Al's but now also mine) glancing at the clock in the left corner. It's speed torturing me. 

I felt confident in my dark denim skirt and white dress shirt tied at the front, most probably because I planned it ever since I had the phone call. I envisioned it on myself and was expecting some mad transformation, but my brown hair and piercing eyes still spoke 'Ashley'. Not supermodel, just human. 

Since my time away from the human world, I had neglected my entire childhood and teendom. This of course meant that I had completely forgotten how to date and how to life generally. Conveniently, a certain woman of wisdom was here to guide my ways. Her big frizzy hair puffing into view as soon as I opened the door. She gasped in shock, seeing my rare nervous state. 

"Right firstly, you must think about your expectations. What are you hoping to get out of this date?" She said sitting on the edge of Alan's bed. Her hands neatly folded in her lap. 

"I don't know he planned the damn thing!" I yelled running my hands through my curled hair, ruining its freshness. 

Satr groaned then quickly rushed to fix my hair. I felt like a shelf of asymmetry and she a walking OCD. 

"Ash, listen. Most of us are looking for fun and commitment, but it's important to know where you stand so that you can figure out if your date is thinking the same."

I sat and thought for a moment. Then I remembered that he technically called me his girl, so that could suggest that we were already dating. But then why would he ask me on a date, I thought. 

"Well, we're already dating sorta, so just a fun night?" I questioned myself and her, also Sam if his gorgeous peepers would stop distracting me at that moment. 

"Next, now honey maybe you tell yourself that looks don't matter when it comes to love. True, but only for love, starting out does not count as love. So always make a great first impression, it goes a long way! Don't forget though, to be yourself, Ash, you're a great kid! Sam won't like cosmetic dressing, speech or actions. Be your own genuine self, even if the nerves take over and the anxiety is unbearable." 

I stood in front of a mirror on the other side of the room, seeing my familiar disappointing look once more. I shivered when I examined my typical bra through my white shirt, at least I was trying to preserve my modesty. 

"I can't believe you've never been on a date before," Star joined me hugging me behind, like a gay embrace. 

I managed to breathe a laugh through my wall of insecurities. It hit me then that Sam had never really seen me dressed up and I should help but muster the thought that maybe he didn't love it. like it was all 'cosmetic dressing' as Star called it. My urge to remove everything and undress was cut off by more wisdom.

"Yeah? Well, it's hard to pull when you're in an endless span of time with the dead" I chuckled turning to my shoes. Their worn soles appealing more to me than the actual date at that moment. 

"Look, I'm really sorry you lost so much of your life. If I could turn back the clo-"

"Well you can't, it's impossible. It's done. Let's forget," I interrupted her and gave her a smile. 

"Anyway, I need to jam now. See ya later Celebrity" I said abandoning the room. I could feel her confusion half way through the hall. 

"Celebrity?" She yelled, her voice echoing through the plaster. I dodged the boxes and attempted to reply. 

"You know, star, famous, celebrity. You're a star kiddo!!" I screamed giggling, tripping a couple of times. 

I was still laughing to myself as blurs of furniture passed me by. There should've been a mother yelling at me at this point. 'Ashley, no running in the house', but it was just dead silence and my heavy thumps on the wooden floor. 

I ignored the comic books as the passed me by, yelled a goodbye to the brothers and headed out. Slowly but surely I bumped into the chest of a person. 

"Hey sweetheart!"


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