Chapter 22

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The last thing I remembered was soft pink lips when I woke up in an unfamiliar place. For a second I thought I was a kid again, back home and none of this ever happened or I thought I was in the cave, alone while the others slept off their immortality. 

The truth was I was at neither but the soft pink lips were real and I wasn't a kid or a junkie. I was at the Frog's residence. Edgar slept peacefully across the room, covered in his Superman sheets, his clothes sprawled over the floor by the foot of it. On the walls were numerous posters and bands that I'd grown to love over the years like Guns N Roses and Van Halen. I'd been here before but I never lived here, I never belonged. 

I looked across the dim walls in the early morning and saw a boy, biting his nails like there was no tomorrow and staring into way beyond space. His dark eyes connected with the floor as he sat cross-legged on his bed. His sheets were undisturbed, the kid hadn't got a wink of sleep. 

"Al?" I called out hoarsely, squinting and rubbing my eyes. 

He continued until he processed where he actually was. I'd never seen him like it, I didn't know what to do. 

"Oh hey, Ash, nice sleep kiddo?" He forced, almost cringing at his now falsity. His hands urgently escaped his mouth, falling down on his lap. 

"Shut up. What's up?" 

"Nothing. Just a little tired."

"Well, I can see that!" I exclaimed trying not to wake up Edgar. 

"Please keep your voice down." He whispered, his chocolate eyes glossy as if they'd melted. 

My legs swung over the bed, shivering on the cold floor and made their way towards the boy, almost at tears because of his own afflictions. His bed sank as I met it. My arm draped around his shoulder platonically, he leant his head on my shoulder, letting out a big needed sigh.

"Please Ashley, just leave it be."

I smirked to myself, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Oh, Ashley? This must be some serious shit!" I joked. 

He chuckled for a long period of time, it wasn't till my own laughter stopped that I realised they were sobs. 


I straightened him up, his despaired face in my full view. He couldn't even meet my pleading eyes. I didn't know what to do, my hands were shaking as much as his heart. 

"I-I'm not crying" He struggled, wiping his face frantically staring to the ground, mainly at his brother's slumber. 

"Alan Frog, I swear to the lord if you don't tell me what's wrong, I will rip up every single comic you own boy" I warned gaining his attention. 

"Not the Superman's though..." He doubted. 

"Oh, honey they'll be gone first. Now shoot."

"W-well" He wailed again. 

"I can't handle it Ash god! I'm such a pussy!" He buried his face in my lap, muffling his sobs and hiding his "cowardice". 

My mind raced but only a caring expression showed on the outside. Again, it was something I was unprepared for, I'd never thought I'd live to see the day that Alan Frog breaks down for some unknown reason. 

"Can't handle what? Alan take a deep breath. Compose yourself, dude. Chill," I advised, keeping my hands to myself and letting him be. 

He progressed slowly, his lip stopped quivering and his hair straightened out. HIs mouth opened, explaining his story. I was already planning my philosophical and motherly response. Unfortunately, I was the only one who could do this for him, it wasn't like his Mom was actually there for him. 

"Right. It's all too much. I'm getting nightmares, every damn night and I hear the same screeches and the same screams of burning. I see the same orange eyes right in my view every time. I know I act tough and all but... I don't know. I just need it all to stop so I can forget."

"Well, does Edgar know?" I stuttered, struggling to respond without breaking down myself. I'd never heard anything so relatable before and it had only been 3 nights. 

He raised an eyebrow, stupifying my already stupid question. I shook my head, regaining my smart. 

"Right, right. You're not the only one you know? But that's life. It's gonna throw some shit, let's say nightmares in your way, but nothing is forever. They'll go. And here's the important part, right after you wake up from a nightmare, try not to think about it. Sitting in bed dwelling on the nightmare will only cause anxiety, which will make it difficult to fall back asleep, as well as create the possibility of another nightmare." I reassured him with a smile. 

His charming grin brought me back to life. The blue replaced with bright vibrant colours like Sam. 

"You're right. I  mean hey, they'll piss off eventually huh?" He smirked, lifting his shoulders. 

"Now come here dog tags" I opened my arms.He fell straight into them. His signature scent filling my nose, reminding me that everything is over yet life has only just begun. 

I rushed to the phone picking it up, then checked the time, I dialled my favourite number with my long finger. 

11:23, perfect, I thought. 

"Hello?" Replied a groggy voice. 

"You lazy ass, have you only just gotten up?" I sassed, feeling his smirk burning into the wires. 

"Hey, hypocrite, you have too! I can hear it in your voice!" he laughed. 

"Just wanted to ask how you're doing ya know?" I lowered the tone, soothing it slightly. 

"Hmm, I'm okay. Mom's still freaking out a little but Michael's happy with Star. You know they wanna get married? They're dancing around like Danny and Sandy." He yells, my ears could feel the enthusiasm. 

I opened my mouth to make a snarky comment. 

"Wait! before you make a sardonic comment, I'm making an announcement. Boardwalk 10 minutes." he rushed as if he's been playing this moment over and over in his mind. 

"Wait why? What do I wear?" I rushed picturing my vibrant yet depressing wardrobe in my head. 

"Just your pretty smile my dearest" He flirted. 

I scoffed but the teenage girl inside of me did somersaults and long jumps. 

"Alright prince charming what are you planning?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, there was a long list but they were not reasonable, or appropriate for children.

"Baby. We're going on a date."

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