Chapter Four

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"Your band brother called," Emmy groaned. I laughed at it since he had a thing for her, and by a friend, I mean he known her for two minutes and already wanted her to be his baby momma. Strange but I think they would be a good couple. Kind of. Except he was already dating someone...but other than that, I think she was being a little too dramatic over the situation. I grabbed my house phone from her and redialed his number to ask what he was up to. 

"It's your sister," 

Remember that person he was dating? She just happened to be my baby sister. I gave them the alright if he was a saint and so far, he has been. I trusted him and it helped that we toured together. My sister wasn't in the band but, Jason was a good boy through the whole year of being away from her. But when he told me that it was my sister, I nearly dropped the phone. I was going all day without thinking of that stupid dream and now he brought it back to me. I still never told Emily and Franny about it since they would think I am complete freaks. Why does this haunt me though? Shouldn't a dream about a video game be amazing?

"Mavi!" Jason shouted, "Did you hear me?!"

"No, sorry," I shook my head and took a deep breath, "what?" 

He swore under his breath and groaned, "She's gone, Mavi! She's not here anymore!"

"What do you mean?" The tears sprung my eyes, this wasn't real. My baby can't be actually inside the game. It was all just a hoax! Somehow, Jason was playing a trick on me, that's all that was. Just mindful tricks. 

"She isn't here, Mavi. She's gone! I don't know where she was, I don't know how she went anywhere because nothing is gone. I had this weird freaking dream..."

His voice trailed off. I didn't know what to say either. This can't be happening to me, this can't be happening at all. I was a millionaire band person that was a complete nerd and I loved playing video games and being my friends. What else was I going to do? I couldn't just hop into the video game. 

"Did you call the police?" I asked. 

"Yeah but the guys and I are out looking for her. Can't you, Emily, and Franny go and look through the house for her? Maybe she slept walked there," 

I nod and hung up with Jason. I couldn't breathe, my little sister was gone right now. Why in the heck was this happening to me? Did I not give enough money to the orphans? To the people that actually needed it? Granted I never gave to fundraisers unless I knew them personally. I didn't believe in some people since I don't know if they actually give it to the needy or give it to themselves. But why was this happening to me?

"Would you tell us what's going on?!" Franny freaked, "Your crying, Mavi!"

Emily was standing there with her hand on her arm. She and Franny looked really worried about me. So, I sat them down in the living room and while they sat on the couch, I sat down on the coffee table and told them everything. At the end, I held back the tears from telling them about my baby sister. I told them and I held everything in. I didn't want to tell them about her but I knew I needed to. 

"Alright," Emily sighed, "Let's say this did actually happen. I mean maybe God has a plan for you." 

"Yeah," Franny chuckled, "You've always wondered what His plan was for you," she smirked. I rolled my eyes and punched her shoulder. So I took all of this into consideration and we talked about it. Everything started in my game, so when we ran to my room, I was starting to feel very sick. It was a sudden thing but my guts felt like they were twisting up inside. I groaned, holding onto the railing of the spiral staircase and knelt down on the stairs. 

"You alright, Mavi?" 

"Oh my god," Emily said and helped me up, "She needs to go lay down, she's pale!" 

I was breaking into a cold sweat and my breathing was going shallow. By the time I had gotten to my room, Franny and Emily had put me on my bed and they noticed the blood seeping through my clothes. It was like an invisible something blew a hole through my stomach and out the other side. I laid there, on the bed, and bled out. When I closed my eyes, everything had changed. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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