Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

Start from the beginning

We got back to Myrtle Beach and went to the place where Chloe worked, but the people there said that she was kidnapped three weeks ago. This one woman Sabrina pointed out everyone who was really close to her, and we talked to them turns out they talked to her via a video call but they didn't know where she was. We called her back and tried to track it, but Tori ran into her own fire wall that she was kind enough to make so strong the she couldn't get through it. Thankfully Chloe answered and to my surprise said that she would try to talk to Nick, and told us not to get our hopes up about Brey and Danny but especially Brey. After that we went to Atlanta to start the mission and hoped that we wouldn't get caught. We started as we always do first splitting up then finding a connection and finding out what all we need to break apart. A few weeks later I was one of the girlfriends of Mike Caldwell or the guy who ran all of Mr. Miller's cocaine for him.

It annoyed me to even try to have a conversation with the guy, but that thank fully ended when a bullet went through his skull when he was taking me on a date. I didn't tell the police anything and in return Mr. Miller allowed me to have dinner at his house after the funeral. There were a lot of people there most of which I didn't know so it was easy for me to slip upstairs to look around. In one of the bedrooms I found a computer that I was happy to plug Tori into, but the second I was finished I heard a sound behind me. I turned to see Brey standing there with a pissed off expression. "I suggest you go back downstairs before I help you go down stairs" she said very menacingly. I heard someone walking up the stairs so I said a bit louder "Well excuse me I was just trying to find a bathroom." Then a man stepped in to see the matter. He was around five eight, medium build, short brown hair, and brown eyes. "What seems to be the matter" he asked looking at Brey. She told him that she was just about to help me downstairs and he told her that was unnecessary and that he would escort there himself.

The man's name was Ethan and he was Mitch's older brother, and unlike him he was very kind and humble. He and I talked to each other for about two weeks after the funeral then we started dating. I tried really hard not to get too attached to him, but he reminded me too much of Rachel. Their laugh, their smile, the way they both dipped their head when they say something sweet how could I not catch feelings. About a month later Mr. Miller had a party to celebrate his Daughter getting engaged, and he invited everyone who worked for him. Ethan asked me if I wanted to go with him and before thinking about how Nick and Brey's obvious presence I said yes. Tori had finished going through the entire computer and all the other devices connect to it, and it turns out that we would not be able to destroy all of his organization at once. Since it is spread all across the globe of course all the head people would be at the party, but that leaves out everyone else that could easily operate without all of these connections. AG told us to send her a list of all the other locations and focus on making them no longer connected to each other.

This was no easy task there were going to be at least two hundred fifty people there plus extra security, so the night before Max, Aaron, and Haleigh, who had finally recovered from the last time she had a confrontation with Brey, showed up with about thirty extra tactical team members. The night of the party Ethan told me to stay close to him and that should anything happen to go to a room in the back and wait for someone to come get me. The Miller's mansion was enormous with everything lit up with gorgeous gold accents everywhere I looked. We walked threw a marble corridor with a fountain streaming light pink water, entered the enormous ballroom. It was cream and gold with light pink flowers on each of the tables with a large area in the middle for dancing. Ethan and I sat at a table at the edge of the dance floor with a few other couples that all seemed to know each other with me as the exception. Brey, Nick, Danny, and Chloe all sat together with their Trainer Chase and some woman who I assumed was there with him. About an hour after we had Dinner I texted Haleigh that it was time. Then I saw Chase hand the woman he was with a set of keys and She left with Chloe.

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