Chapter five Victoria: the return

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It was great having Brey back since out of everyone else she is just as quiet as me. She told me everything he did while they were away sparring me the unbelievably gory details. They spent a year practically off the grid then yesterday she and Nick just walk in the front door like nothing happened it could've surprised me. One of the first things I noticed was that they both got tattoos on their left biceps Brey's read DEIMOSA surrounded by a three-inch cascade of butterflies while Nick had a three-inch solid black around his arm with the name PHOBOS in the center. The day she got back I told her about Hunter and I, and that we haven't really slept in separate rooms for the past two months she seemed happy for me. Then I asked if she and Nick ever hooked up and she screamed hell no, and almost knocked me out with a pillow. The time that she wasn't chilling out with me she would go to this ARES only bar. I don't understand why assassins get these extra perks after they reach a certain level, and why can't there be a group for other professions that get cool perks not like I would join since it sounds too much like a cult.

Brey and Nick had been home for a week before AG popped up on the TV screen scaring Brey half to death. Then she told us that we were going to Orlando, Florida to stop an auction of a flash drive that was leaked from some place that we aren't allowed to know. We left the next morning the flight was very boring and then took a car to where we were staying. The summer bay resort was beautiful it had five pools each one having a small bar next to them. The other three spies were finding out the details of the auction, but all they knew was that it was going to be in an upcoming art auction. Haleigh was trying to find out what piece the drive would be in and be someone's date to the auction of course. While Brey and Nick were killing most of the other buyers leaving only twenty Danny was helping Brey and Nick get rid of a lot of people's remains and evidence.

Hunter made them stop when they were about to move the date of the auction while I was getting a hold of fifteen of the other buyer's accounts and make them have a sudden money problem. After about a week we devised a plan to get the drive Haleigh was already accompanying Garret Blevins, Hunter was blackmailing Amelia Clark and Jerod Dasher, while Emily was accompanying Tabitha Philips. Leaving only one buyer left Brycen Holman. Mr. Holman has a very pacific preference in a date height, weight, age, eye color, and skin color. Which only applied to one person in the group and she was not going to do this without some amount of reluctance.

Brey looked stunning in the royal blue dress that Haleigh bought for her and Justin and Danny couldn't stop starring even when she threatened to pluck out their eyes. They all left by the time they got to the gala Brey had already said how she felt stupid ten times. Brey hated being told that she can't do something, so when I said she couldn't just kill the guy she almost left the building. After Holman started talking to Brey he couldn't stop, and all she did was talk about what she thought was the perfect guy. Everything was going great until they went to one of the hotel rooms upstairs and there was two of his goons waiting for them. Five minutes before the auction started Brey was locked in Holman's hotel room, and everyone else was taking their seats in the auction hall.

The first few pieces to go up were paintings that sold for between two hundred fifty and seventy-five thousand dollars. Then everything got very competitive when they got to the vases most of them dating back to the mid eighteen hundred's. These people spent millions of dollars of these things like they would cure diseases or end world hunger, and not just hold flowers or sit on a wall. When they finally got to the object that was supposed to have the drive in it everyone lost their shit. After the twenty minutes of yelling and people gasping the jewel encrusted power tin sold for twenty-three million seven hundred thousand dollars to none other than Mr. Holman.

Brey was starting to freak out when Holman was walking to the door she was ready to hit him with a vase. When I told her that she couldn't kill him I was naturally surprised when she listened. He walked in pointing a gun at her, and she held up her arms. I kept saying don't repeatedly trying to convince her not to kill anyone while his two body guards patted her down and removed her dress. Holman handed both of his guards some cash and they left the room. Then started walking towards Brey She took a step for everyone he took forward until she backed into the sofa. He placed his hands on each side of her arms and pulled her closer to him then kissed her "First I would like to apologize for all of this" he started "I have had four of my good friends killed this week, and I'm not used to such an enchanting woman being interested in Me." Brey tried to pull herself away but he just kissed her again then sat her on the sofa. "How about I make it up to you" he started "I'm going to Venice tomorrow would you like to come with me." I told her to say yes, and He exclaimed "Great" before kissing her again. Then he poured her a glass of champagne and she started to ask about the art that was sold specially a called a strange dream.

After about an hour or so she fell asleep on the couch, and by that time everyone else was back to witness him do something extremely strange. He took pant and a paint brush from a drawer and started to paint something on her skin. I was hoping that I had just fallen asleep starring at the screen but everyone else reassured my overall confusion. "What the fuck is he doing" Nick started "she's going to kill him." Brey woke up about an hour after he finished his supposed artwork, and instantly noticed the blue, gray, and white butterfly on her thigh. "Good morning beautiful" he started "how was your rest." "Umm okay I guess" she said still starring and the painting. He then tried at explaining why in the hell he decided to paint something on her, and no matter how much charm he added was still creepy. Luckily someone knocked on the door and brought in a large rack of clothes then left the room. "So" he started "Since you didn't originally plan to accompany me half way across the world I had someone obtain some clothes for you." He asked her to try on a white and gold sun dress with some solid white shoes, which she of course looked gorgeous in. he kissed her then took her hand and took her to the car waiting down stairs headed for the airstrip. The great part was that he was flying with the artwork that he had just bought including the drive.

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