Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring

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Once I thought my life would be boring, then I fell in love with Nick and that flew out of the window. Now I have to focus on looking normal for him even though he never asked me to lie for him it became second nature. He said it was the spy in me taking over trying to keep everything from getting too crazy. Other than my bouts of compulsive lying I have a pretty normal day to day life. I work for Burnett reality group as one of their fifteen agents and I specialize in condos and starter homes which I'm very good at. I have a few friends like Josh, Amber, Katie, and Denis. Josh is a really exuberant person, fun to hang out with, and extremely nosey he is about six one, brown eyes, and tan skin. Amber always has gossip about everyone else and is also suspiciously interested in Nick, but I love this five one, brown skinned, plump woman. Katie thinks I need to dump Nick since she things he is gone too much for her likening, and she thinks he is hiding something, yet whenever this five four, thin, red headed sees him she acts like they are great friends. Then there is Denis who absolutely hates Nick even though Nick hasn't said two words to the guy, and other than that he is really nice to me. He has blond hair, grey eyes, is about five eleven, and tan skin.

I really like all of the people at my job except that bitch Sabrina, She thinks I lie about everything and even thinks that Nick is made up and that I hire an actor to not look as sad. I want to punch her in the face and I swear one day I will snap and tell her about herself. Whenever Nick isn't working he brings me lunch or we go out together just too spent time with each other, and Sabrina always tries to come with us and Nick says that he just wants to spend some time with me., thankfully that usually makes her back off. Even when Nick likes to surprise me the moment he gets back from somewhere and the receptionist Harper always lets him in then tells everyone but me. My boss Mr. Burnett or Terry as he likes to be called is really sweet, nice, and a really giving person each month we have to do some charity event and he counts it as a team building exercise. I have asked Nick if he would want join in with and each and every time he says no and that kind of makes Terry a little upset who is very determined about it.

Two weeks after we got back from Justin's funeral I was in a meeting and the topic came up of our team building exercise for the month. This month we were going to have a little outing and Terry insisted on me asking Nick to join us, but Nick had left on a mission three days ago. I tried to explain that he was on a business trip but Sabrina insisted that I call him and got Terry behind her, and now with me being the center of attention I called him and put it on speaker. The second he answered the first thing we heard was gunfire. "Hey what's up" he said sounding very calmly. "Nothing much I just wanted to ask you something" I replied, "Is it important" he asked. "Kind of, but I can call back later" I said. "No your fine, these guys can't shoot for shit anyways" he replied playfully. "Um okay, at work we are all going out, and I was wondering if you would like to join in with us" I asked. "Baby" he sighed reluctantly. "Please I really want you to do this with me" I said. "Okay how mad would you be if I said no" he asked. I said very then there were few very loud gunshots and everything got quiet. "I don't know if I am going to be able to make it" he said and after I reminded him that he doesn't know when it is he asked if he really had a choice and I told him no. "Fine, but Rena has to come to" he said. I said okay after terry gave me a reassuring nod then he said that that he needed to go and that he would be back in two days. After I hung up Dennis asked what Nick did for a living and I said the only profession that was still fit but wasn't actually true and said that he was a Defense Contractor and that his organization operates under the government.

After Nick got back he picked me up for lunch, and everyone seemed to try to avoid him except for Sabrina of course. I was almost done closing a sale when Terry got up the courage to ask him in to his office, and I have to say that was the fastest talk terry has ever had with someone. I felt him behind my chair and when he put his hands on my shoulders the entire room around us tensed up a little. Then he asked in a whisper "why is everyone looking at me like I going to kill them?" "Well I told them that you're a mercenary," I whispered back. He wrapped his arms around my neck and watched the eyes fill with a bit of fear, and all he did was smile. He kissed me on the cheek and the we went to lunch leaving everyone a little more terrified then when they came in. While at lunch he and I talked about everyone's reaction and then he tried to get out of going shooting but that still didn't happen.

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