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Me and the SNAKES arrived at the place Q tracked down. It was an old abandon warehouse. Sick bastard is keeping kids in this disgusting place!? Brian is gonna pay for this!

Rock busted the doors down and we all held out our guns.

"Brian! We know your here, come out now!!" I yelled out but it was still silent.

I walked to a small table that was in the warehouse and found a piece of paper and on the paper it said " Jackson, all the other children are back with their families except for yours. This is revenge for my brother.". I scrunched up the paper and shoved it into my pocket. I started walking out of the warehouse.

"Brian knew we were coming so he's gone, the note said all the other kids are back home except for Nathan." I said to the guys.

"But that doesn't make sense? Why would he just give them back?" Rock asked.

"Because he's starting to target Jackson and get revenge." Q replied for me.

"Lets go back home and rest. And no'one tell Anna that this has to do with targeting me for revenge. I dont want her finding out til i get my son. Got it?" I said.

"Yee we wont say anything man." Rock said.


I woke up the next morning feeling down. I went to the washroom and washed my face. My eyes are all puffy and i have major dark circles from lack of sleep. This is killing me inside, i just want my son😔

I walked to the living room and noticed that the four of them passed out from working all night. They kind of made a mess so i just decided to clean a little bit quietly before they get up.

I picked up some trash and clothes off the ground. But to my surprise something fell out of Jacksons pocket. It was piece of paper. I opened the paper and i was shocked. The paper said " Jackson, all the other children are back with their families except for yours. This is revenge for my brother."

I dropped the paper and fell to the floor so loud that the guys woke up. They got up and rushed over to me.

"Babe, you ok? Why'd you fall!?" Jackson asked me. I didn't say anything, i was just staring into space in shook.

Jackson waved his hand in my face. "Hello, earth to Anna? Baby.. Your scaring me, should i take you to the hospital?" He said with a concern look.

I snapped out of it and looked straight into Jacksons eyes with fire. "What the fuck is this Jackson.." I said in a serious tone while picking up the paper and shoving it into his face.

Rock, Q and Speed just quietly left the room leaving me and Jackson there to talk. I didn't care though. I was so pissed off i was ready to use one of them as a punching bag😡

"Babe let me explain.." Jackson said

"Explain what? That our son got kidnapped all because of you!? Someone did this because they wanted revenge for something you did in the past!!" I yelled.

"Thats not exactly why baby.." Jackson said.

"Bullshit you fucking liar. How could you let this happen!? Why did i marry you? Why didnt u tell me u were in a friggen gang!" I yelled while crying.

"Im not in a gang! Babe i love you. I will get our son back no matter what. I'll protect you both til the day i die" he said and hugged me.

"Get off me, i don't even know you. I shouldn't have married you without knowing your true history. You cant protect me or my child. You said that before and now look what happened.. My son is gone and probably so scared .. I want to leave, i cant be with you anymore. Find MY child and leave us alone forever..." I said with tears streaming down my face. I ran out the apartment and he didn't even chase after me..


AccidentalLove {GOT7 Jackson}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant