Jungjae: you're right, but shut up Taeil. 

OneMoon: okay 

MaknaeJisung: I need help with my homework, someone please help me

FebreezeMan: Yuta, go and help him please 

Nakamoto: why me? 

FebreezeMan: you're the first name to pop up into my head 

ThailandPrince: and not me? 

FebreezeMan: that's not what I meant 

ThatOneSinger: haha wow 

~ThailandPrince has logged off~

FebreezeMan: jeez, why is he so sensitive? 

~FebreezeMan has logged off~ 

MaknaeJisung: so you're  not going to help me, hyung? (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚

Nakamoto: fine, I'll help you 

MaknaeJisung: yay 

Nakamoto: (oT-T)尸~~

~MaknaeJisung has logged off~ 

~Nakamoto has logged off~ 

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: good thing I don't have to help him with his homework 

CringeyJohnny: why're you saying that? 

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: because I forgot everything I learned in school 

CringeyJohnny: same 

StrawberryChenle: Mark hyung, Haechan hyung is being weird 

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: how so? 

StraeberryChenle: he's in the kitchen and is hoarding all the food in the fridge 

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: yell at him to get out of the fridge, we're suppose to be on a diet 

OneMoon: don't bother him, he eats when he's stressed so it might help him relief the stress 

Jungjae: shut up Taeil 

OneMoon: okay 

ThatOneSinger: is that why he's so chubby? 

DragonJeno: Haechan isn't chubby~ 

ThatOneSinger: trying to be nice to your group members, Jeno? 

BabyWinWin: food? No food we eat...we on d..... how do I say diet

ChewingGumRenjun: diet

BabyWinWin: yes...we on diet 

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: fine, then I'll yell at him 

~ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm has logged off~ 

CringeyJohnny: Haechan lowkey thinks it's kinky when Mark yells at him (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖

ThatOneSinger: isn't Mark your boyfriend, Johnny? Why're you joking about it?

CringeyJohnny: because I find it funny 

~CringeyJohnny has logged off~ 

StrawberryChenle: I can hear Mark hyung being really mean...should I really have told him what Haechan was doing?

ChewingGumRenjun: it's okay Chenle, Haechan always gets in trouble for eating anyway... it's not like it's the first time 

Dongsookie: thanks a lot to whoever told Mark...I hate all of you..

~Dongsookie has logged off~

Nana: oh no, Haechan hyung is upset! 

DragonJeno: want to try and cheer him up, Jaemin? 

Nana: I don't know...maybe he just wants to be alone right now 

DragonJeno: you're right...then what should we do in the meantime? 

Nana: I can come to your room and we can have a mini sleep over! 

DragonJeno: yay, I like that idea~ 

~Nana has logged off~

~DragonJeno has logged off~ 

ThatOneSinger: it's nice to see the dream members caring so much about one another. the 127 members probably wouldn't care. 

Jungjae: cause they're innocent and pure 

ChewingGumRenjun: innocent...and pure? 

Jungjae: nothing Renjun, nothing.. 

StrawberryChenle: Renjun, I still feel bad..

ChewingGumRenjun: it's okay Chenle, you don't need to feel bad! Let's have a sleep over of our own! 

StrawberryChenle: okay...but I won't say it'll make me feel any better 

ChewingGumRenjun: okay, then I'll try my hardest to make you feel happy again! (: 

StrawberryChenle: okay, thank you Renjun~ 

ChewingGumRenjun: no problem, Chenle (*'▽`*)

~StrawberryChenle has logged off~ 

~ChewingGumRenjun has logged off~ 

ThatOneSinger: I can still hear Mark yelling, I should probably to calm him down. 

Jungjae: why is he yelling so much? Jeez, what's been his problem recently? 

ThatOneSinger: I have no idea, but he looks really stressed...I don't want to push him or anything 

Junjae: smart idea 

~ThatOneSinger has logged off~ 

BabyWinWin: no...online...anymore? I log off too now...bye bye 

Jungjae: bye Winwin 

~BabyWinwin has logged off~ 

OneMoon: .. 

Jungjae: what, why're you still online? Do you like being around me all the time or what? You're seriously so annoying. 

OneMoon: sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way 

Jungjae: whatever, it's not like you can help but be annoying 

OneMoon: ._. 

Jungjae: ...

OneMoon: okay then, see you 

Jungjae: bye 

~OneMoon has logged off~ 

Jungjae: ... 

~Jungjae has logged off~ 

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