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I'd be really happy if you told me how you find this new imagine, thanks! -- the author

Kendall's P.O.V.

A loud bang echoed through the dimly lit hall, and I got slammed against a wall, falling onto the floor, barely having enough time to shield myself with my​ arms. My sight was blurry and smoke clouded my sight, my brain only registered screaming and panicking silhouettes, looming over my broken form, running and tripping over me. I couldn't breathe and I felt so numb, yet everything hurt, like I was in a whole different state of mind.

Suddenly I jerked up from my bed gasping for air. The hair stuck to my forehead due to the cold sweat and my body was uncomfortably sticky. This cruel images kept replaying in my head, like a never ending loop, and it would always come back when I sink into my empty sheets and close my eyes, fading into my restlessness.

After calming my unsteady breathing and assuring myself it was just a bad dream, I finally got out of bed and walked barefoot into the attached bathroom, trying not to trip in the dark.

Turning on the light, I looked into the mirror, only to be greeted by a tired looking girl with dark bags under her eyes. Her brown eyes revealed how desperate and tired she truly was, her dull look explaining the obvious lack of sleep the last few days, maybe even weeks. She resembled an empty, broken shell, only waiting to be swept away by the waves, rescuing her from seeing how the world kept spinning.

Quickly splashing cold water on my face, I trotted back to my king-size bed, lifting up my blanket so I could snuggle into it.

"Hey, Kenny? You alright, was it the nightmares again?" A soft melodious voice quietly and carefully echoed next to me, like I was made out of glass, so fragile I could break every second. It pleased my ears like a lovely tune I want to have on repeat forever, it was soothing like no other and I instantly felt embraced by warmth and comfort.

"H-Hold me...please?" I couldn't make out her face in the dark, but I didn't need any light to see she was the most beautiful human being. Her arms gently snaked around my small waist, slowly pulling me close so I could nuzzle my face into her neck, inhaling the faint scent of vanilla.
She smelled like home.

Her long legs tangled with mine, she then took my hand in hers and and squeezed it reassuringly, causing me to relax into her body that molded perfectly with mine. Her skin caressing mine with utmost care still made sparks flow through my whole body, still made butterflies flying in my stomach still made me completely nervous yet so calm at the same time, the sensation gave me goosebumps.

"My love will be your armour tonight", She whispered. With that I faded in my small bubble, where everything was in place again.


"Ken? You there?" Kylie opened the front door of Y/N's and mine apartment.

I heard her footsteps resonating from the cold, wooden floor finding their way into my ears.

"Ken-What are you doing?! It's 12 am and you're drinking? What is this vodka?" She scoffed, quickly putting the bottle on my kitchen counter away.

"Come on, Ken. You promised you wouldn't drink."

"I feel so empty."

I finally looked up to meet my sister's face. She was on the verge of tears and her bottom lip trembled.
I was ashamed as I looked into her eyes that showed nothing but disappointment, pity and sadness, but I didn't care, I couldn't, even when I tried, it's like my system shut off.
There was a dark, awkward silence that loomed over this room and it was suffocating.

Kendall Jenner Imagines {GxG}Where stories live. Discover now