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There she was, disheveled hair, clothes sprawled across the dimly lit room that smelled like the cigarette they just smoked, when they forgot to open the windows to let out the grey clouds, and the sweat and heat radiated from the pair that intertwined their bodies like they were one.

She was on top of him, naked in all her glory, the sweat glistening on her skin while sweet moans escaped her plump lips once in a while, she groaned and hissed in a pleasurable way that sounded like a siren singing; you couldn't help but continue listening, the eternal beauty of her sound just keeps reaching your ears.

It were moments like this that showed you​ all the different ups and downs of your life.

The happy giggles and longing stares, the subtle touches that burnt your skin and the feeling of her soft lips embracing yours, deep embedded in your mess of a mind and you would never want it any other way.

But life is not just about the honey, no, it's more like a bittersweet juice you couldn't get enough from, and surprisingly you would never get any smarter.

At the beginning all was well, the taste made you smile, but with time passing, when you get used to the layer of sweetness that coated your tongue and wrapped your head into a pure state of bliss, the sweet faded into bitterness and you wanted nothing more than to have never even drank it; you have mistaken it for honey.

And you had a choice. Because you had recognized what was good for you, and you should have listened the voices in your head that told you from the start, how bad this would get, and how bad you'd get hurt, all these warnings advised you to stay away, but she climbed your walls with near to no effort and she disabled your rational thinking, instead blessing the landscape with evergreen plants, tall trees, a clear blue sky and colorful flowers, and you always thought you didn't deserve her, because she was just so perfect and you were, well you.

The voices wanted you to savor the honey because they didn't know.
They didn't know the taste of her, they never got lost in her deep brown eyes that seemed to tell romantic tales and exciting adventures,
they didn't wake up next to her laying in bed, looking like an angel sent from above, while
the cold white sheets enveloped her naked frame like wings.

They didn't know how much better it tasted, the way your tastebuds exploded as they came into contact heavenly, bittersweet juice, because they also don't know about true love. Because true love isn't always about the happiness, the good memories you share or the little things you do, the small moments where you sneaked away just to steal kisses,  the giggles when you make cheesy comments, knowing the things you like and the things you hate, it's not about being the perfect couple.
It wouldn't be whole with the fights, the screams, the tears and the heartbreaks.
And without those, you wouldn't realize how much you really need to hold on to that; this love keeps you sane.

It makes you stronger and grateful, grateful for the things you had and maybe will have, because gratefulness is one of the keys to a fulfilled life.

In times like this, where you are already too weak, to fight, to scream and even to talk, you know you can't take this anymore and you fade away into your own bubble, distancing you from family, friends and inevitably your lover.

You are just floating and you are tired, trying to keep your head up and above all the drama, exhausted from the broken pieces you need to pick up, the cuts that came along and the pain that goes deeper within the surface, and sometimes the pain would leave permanent scars, that decorated your once innocent and delicate body.

You are in the air, between the fluffy clouds, just flying and thinking.
Thinking why you weren't enough.
Was it your body, that has never​ been really beautiful in the eyes of today's society, the body you were always insecure about because you couldn't compare, or was it the lack of adventure you showed, because you couldn't pleasure her? Was it because she solved your puzzle, and she got bored?
She'd always love getting to know every thing you do, or better used to.

Kendall Jenner Imagines {GxG}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat