Chapter 4.

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You woke up to being alone on the blue race car bed. You got up, and made your way down the stairs and into the kitchen to find papyrus lazily sitting at the table drinking a cup of something(probably coffee) and sans making something to eat.

You hadn't realized just how hungry you were until now. Your stomach was growling and it was to the point you had a head ache. (The description of being hungry isn't accurate since you ate at muffets yesterday, but i'm just really hungry rn LOL) You sat down across from Papyrus, and waited for sans to finish bacon and eggs.

After the meal was finished, you had to admit, the meal wasn't the best. You weren't even sure if it was edible even. Though, you choked it down all for the sake of sans. Suddenly, Sans gasped at the sight of the clock, jumping up from his seat. "OH NO! I must hurry!! See you later guys!" He yelled and sprinted out the door furiously waving back at us.

You blinked in confusion and shock at how fast he left. It was as if just a second ago he was sitting right next to you, but as another second past he's gone. "Did he mention anything special going on today?" You turned and asked papyrus, to which he just shrug his shoulder absently. This was strange, indeed, but what could you do about it...?

Stalk him of course.

You stood up from you seat, and sped to the door, luckily papyrus not questioning where you were off to (or as if he already speculated in advance). The air outside was chilling, a foggy atmosphere misted over every line of vision. You shivered, because it reminded you of the time Sans challenged you to battle. You trudged through the snow as a thought crossed your mind; Where would Sans even go? No job and no other place to call home.

Since it be the only place you could possibly think of, you checked Muffets. It wasn't as lively as usually today. Everything seemed quiet and absurdly off place. You approached a table, and hesitantly questioned the customer. "H-hello.." an unintentional stutter, but wasn't that something to get used to by now?

Instead of a friendly response back to a nice hello, she just look up at you with immense boredom. "You's need somethin' pumpkin?" Her heavy accent pierced through the thick air. Just as much as her vibrant sparkly pick eyeshadow disrupted the dim lightly in the room.

"Sorry to interrupt but, I was wondering if you saw a short skeleton come in today?" You wondered what the response would be, hoping the answer would soon be something good. Fiddling your hands as she looked up as if she was trying to recall something, she finally met your gaze and gave you your answer.

"The skeleton aye? Yeah, I saw im' aight. Although wasn't here for much long either. Went in and out in a zoom, you's know? Got somethin' yummy I suppose and bought em' to go. Went straight pass me, out that front door. No idea where he went from there." She answered and puffed out intoxicatingly horrid smelling smoke from her cigar.

"Thank you, that really was helpful." You said.

"No problem dearie. From one gal to's another I suggest you's best be careful. Despite my looks and talks I consider to be the nicer than most. You's don't know what you're fiddling with, even if they's look to be the nicest in the underground." The woman rested her head on her hand, looking sharply up at you. You nodded, not really knowing what else to do but mustered out another thank you.

As you were turning to head to the door, you heard her mutter something impacting. "Even behind the nicest person comes the most evil of desires."

You had enough and busted through the door, hearing the satisfying slam behind you. As you breathed out, a mist formed in front of you. It was calming, and it also prompted you to be more determined to find Sans. You approached a passerby and stroke up a conversation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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