The Real Me

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You sit and wonder

Why it is that I'm quiet.

Why don't I smile?

Why do I cry at night in silence?

Maybe because I'm not happy

Maybe because I'm not me

Well it's not a maybe

It is for sure

There are a few things unsaid and done

But I'm still pure

I wish I could come to you 

Admit to you the truth about me 

How I like gym shoes over heels

Footballs over nails, but that's me

I prefer laser tag over movies

Outside picnics over fancy dinners

Arcades over tea parties

Being fit over being thicker

Wrestling over hand games

G.I. Joes over Barbies

Thrillers and action over romance 

Chilling with my friends over parties

Sweats over yoga pants

Basketball shorts over booty shorts

Oversized shirts rather than night gowns

Pants over skirts 

I prefer natural hair over weave 

Natural Beauty over make-up

Loose fitting clothes over very fitted ones 

More manly things over girly stuff 

Well the happy but sad truth is

I like girls and guys

So now that you know

Will you make me say my goodbyes

Or will you open your heart 

And accept your daughter as she is 

But as I distinctly remember 

You don't think gays should have kids

You think it is a choice 

Not a lifestyle

But for me, It is a lifestyle 

It's a lifestyle I've lived since a child

You scream and yell at me 

Yet you never stopped to try to understand me 

You never sat down and talked to me

Never asked why I stopped being silly 

You never thought about it 

How come my relationships with guys were short

How come I have so many female friends

Why do I like to play on the basketball courts

Why will I only be friends with guys?

Never in a serious relationship with them

Why am I so isolated?

Why do  friendzone them?

The truth about that is 

Most of them are assholes 

While I'm trying to give them my heart

They just want me as a poking hole

Yes I had one serious relationship

But we see how that went

I was cheated on and lied to 

And he did it with no resent

So I'm sorry 

If you can't accept me for who I am

And hopefully the day comes

Where I can be me and not someone else

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