Fifty-seventh cup

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There she was-- eyes closed, lips curved, gorgeous in white
Gracefully shining like the jewels of the night

Finally down the aisle where she dreamt to vow
Where true love would reign and destiny would bow.

His breathing, shallow as the breeze of summer
His heartbeat, raging like the gale of winter
His eyes, mimicking the solemn drops of spring
As the hues of autumn render his being.

She was the melody of the nightingale
She was the euphony of his piano's tale
She was the words in his prose and poetry
The song he'll be singing through infinity.

"Adieu, My love," for a thousand times, he says
For there she was, veiled under fibers of glass
Breathless, she lays wearing her favorite white
For she will be one of the bright stars at night.

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