Third Refill

35 5 1

Love is blind
To the point that we contrast our minds.

Love hurts
It wastes our minds and crushes our hearts.

Love is selfish
When someone is desperate to have his happiness.

Love is selfless
When one knows the real meaning of happiness.

Love is sacrifice
Conquering everything just to make someone smile.

Love is a song
A lyric with harmony and colorful tone.

Love is a mystery
And the answer is never in our memory.

Love is patience
There's always a right time for everything.

Love is trust
Never judging base on its crust.

Love is a medication
The only cure to our heart filled with rejection.

Love is a gift
Of God to his people of mischief.

Love is everything
That one can have no matter what life may bring.

'Coz it's not a thing controlled by your mind...

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