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Days pass, months, and then years. The silence has grown louder each time one of the so-called "Divine Warriors" left the household to continue on their lives. It always angered Naomi that they would leave so easily. She later learned to accept it.

From the edge, the whole world beneath their feet could be seen.

Naomi sways her body from side to side, staring up at the glistening stars above them both. The smell of rain fills the cold air. Strong breezes of wind pass by. She glances down at her hand, igniting a small fire into the palm of her hand to keep both of them warm.

"Have you heard of anything from the others?" She quickly asks, breaking the silence.

No response.

She slowly looks up at Miya, worried that she would react badly to the question. The beauty that lays beneath them has sent Snowy into a long-lasting daydream.

Naomi lets out a short breath, calming her pounding heart. The anxious feeling of how she would react sent her into a frenzy. Neither of them hasn't talked about the others in a while. Endless thoughts no longer lingered in their minds of the past. All they had were each other now.

Naomi laughs, quietly. All she could do is trace her eyes over the kids playing at the park. Her heart aches thinking of the past.

The cold air reminds her of the past. The endless nights of hopelessness. The endless nights of hiding in the closet in the old ruined orphanage, where she later found the rest of her family.

She wants to be those kids, to go back to the eternal nights of starting meaningless fires with the others, to feel alive again.

The anxious shifting of her body catches Miya's attention.

"Did you say something? Sorry, I was a little distracted."

Naomi quickly looks back up at her. She feels as if a rock was stuck between her throat. She was no longer able to communicate. The burning sensation continued to linger in her heart. It ached.

The millions of words run through her head. She can't push herself to say it, to speak to the only one who has been there for her from the beginning.

"I-.. It's nothing." She finally says, timidly.

Miya tilts her head curiously at Naomi and then looks away. She feels the need to pry at her, but she stops herself before she could.

"Oh, alright." She pauses before speaking.

"I know that everyone's been leaving, to continue living their lives, but just know that I'm not going anywhere."

Naomi feels all the stress leave from her shoulder. She takes a breath before replying back to Miya's. She watches Miya's long hair flow in the air, leaves floating nearby due to her presence. The stars shine brighter than usual. The spark of fire slowly begins to die down, leaving a small burn mark on her palm.

She curls up her hands into a fist, fighting back the urge to break.

She knows that Miya understands how hard it is for her to express how she feels and doesn't expect a response. Miya smiles, reassuring Naomi. She extends her arm out, placing it on Naomi's shoulder.

All that leaves her mouth are two words. Two words that express millions of thoughts to Naomi.

She breathes out, "thank you."

Quick note:

I decided to redo the ending of this story I made back in 2019. I remember when I first made this story. I had so many great memories making this book, and I just felt as if I needed to redo this last chapter.

Obviously, me being a youngling when I wrote this, it was written VERY badly. I didn't want to rewrite the entire book, as I do not have the time to do so.

Thought it would be fun to rewrite just the final chapter & it's good practice.

Soo, I hope you enjoyed it even though it's super short.

Stay safe. 💘

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